Chapter 29 Know Your Origin

It is when you don't know your Origin that you can believe you are from mas, or Saturn even Pluto, when you don't know your history you can easily be deceived with any kind of story about your own history, you can believe that you came from kangaroo or chimpanzee, The necessity of a man to know his Origin should supersede his necessity for luxury, A house can not stand without a foundation, A car not move without the connections, A tree can not grow without it's root, it has never happened anywhere and it will never happen anywhere, A man without his Origin is like planted of a rock it can be blown away by a little wind, A man without his Origin is like a bicycle without a peddler you can not ride freely unless you are pushing it yourself, It is very vital for every human being to know thier true history, It is something that can not change for anything no matter how long you neglect it still your history is your history, you can't rewrite your history, but you can make a good history further as long as you breath, it is your choice to either join the group of the good people or you can join the group of the bad people either ways you will make a history but the question at the end of it all is was it a good history? Or was it a bad one? If it is a good history then that will be to the advantage of those your generations that succeeded you, however, if it is a bad history then it will definitely be to the detriment of your preceding generations, we all have the chances and the opportunity to make a good history now that there are lots of works to do but only few persons are doing it, Meanwhile every one could actually joins hands together with one another to make a huge positive impact on the environment that God has given under our custody as Africa, It is our choices to make, they don't force people to joining Freedom fighting movement, the reason why it is called freedom is because it's free, It's willingly, no one gets paid for it, you don't Join because you want to get paid, you join because you want to others to get paid exactly what they should be paid as citizens of the earth, it's not a job opportunity for you but an opportunity for you to create a job for others who couldn't get one for themselves because of the high rate of corruption and nepotism that has taken over especially all the regions of Africa, that is the work we are created to do, "the betterment of humanity" In a world where everything about you was changed by the people who invaded your homes to steal from you and finally succeeded in stealing everything from you both your lives, your language, your names, your religion, your true Education, your traditions and your history, Everything was successfully stolen from you by the people you are defending with your life, It is funny enough that most people have given their lives to the foreign religion that was brought to corrupt and erase the understanding of their lives, How do you want to be happy when you don't even know who you are? How do expect to succeed when you are busy betraying the land that was supposed to bless you? How are you going to have peace when you are told to be in constant war with your spirit in the name of going to church to cast and bind your ancestral spirits, How do you want to be strong when you don't have a root because you are against your own root as the foreign religion taught you? This are the reasons why a lot of people are poor in Africa, that is why Africa is among the poorest continent yet the most resourceful continent in the world, that is clear madness, you have something that makes other people rich yet you are too poor to the extent that you lack something as common as food and good roads and good education that was supposed to be delivered to every human being in a platter of gold yet we don't have any of it till today, it sounds like insanity, just because we are taught to forsake our roots, we are taught to forsake our originality, We are told to fight against our forefathers that was supposed to be making waves for us when ever there is a storm as they have been doing for us since even till today, but we are forced to forget their sacrifices, we are being oppressed so that we can long for the little and be okay with the little the give us from our own resources in our own land, But we are being deceived to remain silent that it is the will of Jesus Christ for you to remain silent and allow someone to kill you, to remain silent and allow someone take something that is supposed to save your lives and your generations and store it to rotten for nothing While you and your generations die as nothing for nothing, "A man that died without knowing his history is just like a mad man killed in a motor accident" And when you finally get to the spirit world you will start a new registration form into your ancestral lineage in the spirit after passing through their punishment for your foolishness and lack of understanding, perhaps you had a spirit to guide you but you weren't listening and you weren't following, to your detriment.