Chapter 30 We Are God's Ward For His Purpose

God created this world all by Himself and created human beings to fulfill His words and for His purpose, We are created to fulfill the purpose of God on planet earth and until we accomplish those purposes we can't leave the earth, We are stuck until we are done, but God gave us the privileges to make our own choices, He gave us the right to live our lives the way we choose to, It is solely our decision to do what is right, if you decide to live right then you can live right but if you decide to live wrongly then you can live horribly, whichever decision we make it also solely to our own benefits just as much as it is to our own detriment if it goes south, God is a perfect spirit and the greatest spirit, He is a God of justice and He detest injustice, He loves what He created, He loves everything that He created, He made perfect plans for each of them including you and I and it is indeed a better and bigger plans for all of us, but our fellow human being has denied us free access to those plans, out of greed and selfishness the whole world has been damaged from what is was supposed to be, but however, God our creator and the spirit He has put in us are watching all this atrocities and they speak to us frequently on what to do and what not to do to avoid falling a victim of their evil selfish and greedy purpose, but some of us lack the knowledge about having a great spirit in them, some knows they have a spirit in them yet they don't listen to the spirit, they don't communicate with their spirit because they are busy following their lustful desires, And so they don't understand the world but they don't thinking about making heaven, when you don't even know how you came to this earth, you don't even know what you came to do, and so unfortunately some people don't even want to know about themselves because they have been overwhelmed by their lustful desires that they don't even know the difference between what you need and what you want until it's too late for them, We are in a world that is perfectly created by God and physically destroyed by human beings, But spiritually everything is balanced, we are just the ones suffering the whole issues, the spirit has power over human beings if not things would have been worst than it is today, God Himself undermined Human beings and He regrets, But out of love He found a way to allow us exist in our evil minds if we wish, He gave us a chance to make our choices for whatever we want to do, what so ever you want to do as a human being it is your wish and your choice you can always choose otherwise but chose that particular one, if it's good then you will definitely enjoy it but if it's bad then you will bear the consequences that's personally, even it is even easier to make good and right choices because when the results comes out a lot of people will rejoice with you and take part in the blessings but in the consequences of making wrong choices it completely personal, it is you and yourself, that period your spirit will allow you to see that thing that you've always wanted to see there, It will Hear Only take you the wisdom of God to survive that period alive, there is a difference between facing the consequences for the wrong choices you made and facing a normal challenges, yes both of them can be called challenges but it is only in the eyes of the people seeing you, inside you know that what your going through is nemesis, inside you know that what you passing through are the results of the wrong choices you decided with your whole heart to make, because surely before you do anything, before you start anything there is always a voice in your head that will tell you the right thing to do, It is the great spirit that God put in us to guide and protect us through our lives, so before you make any decision the spirit will first of all analyze everything for you properly and still allow you to choose which one that pleases you, but if I were you I would choose the one that pleases the spirit that is speaking to me, because I Know that the spirit is a perfect spirit and a great spirit so if I do what it says then it means that I am great even though I can't be perfect but at least I have to do the good things that I see around me because that is what the spirit of God in me wants me to do, The spirit can not ask you to do what is wrong, the spirit can not ask you to hurt yourself or hurt anyone, the spirit says do unto others what you would want others to do unto you, but the spirit won't force you to do what is wrong either, because the spirit knows that whichever one you choose to do will either be to your benefits or to your detriment, That is why the spirit won't choose for you, human beings as one, we all came from one man and one woman, the difference in color is due to some climate factors and changes, But as for humanity we are one, God created this world perfectly so that man can live and dominate the whole earth freely because the earth is enough for everyone of us.