Kai's identity

"Good evening, Rain." Greeted Han Jun. " What Mr. Elliot is saying is true. We had a doubt that someone is trying to sabotage our company to gain a higher position in Apexi corporation and to replace our current president. But that person did not know that the president was already planning to step down from his position to handover the family business to his son Mr. Elliot in this annual meeting. That's the reason they are organising a grand banquet after this year's meeting." Han Jun explained as he trusted Rain.

"When I began looking in the business matters, I found some suspicious people, so I decided to clean up the company before taking my position officially. You know it will help me to take over the position more easily. Therefore, I came here in disguise to find out the mole and clean up the company." Elliot finished Han Jun's explanation.

Rain stared them for a minute and reached her hands towards her hair where she had hidden the pen drive in her rubber band which she handed it to the new president of the company. She knew that Han Jun was a loyal person and will not betray the company and she trusted him. She did not ask anymore as she knew that given the position of this man before her, and from what she saw previously, he will take care of those kidnappers and the people behind them which included that fatso.

"I am curious about a thing Ms. Erena" asked Elliot. "What was on the pen drive that you gave those kidnappers?"

"Nursery poems for Andrea's niece" deadpanned Rain.

Elliot laughed. "You sure are an interesting person Ms. Rain. Thank you for staying loyal to the company and not giving in to them until our help arrived. Let me drive you to your apartment.

"You don't have to worry about it Mr. president I will drive Miss.…" Han Jun trailed on his words when Elliot turned to glare at him. He gulped ' our new president is scary' he thought.

"You can't Mr. Han Jun. you have to stay here and help my assistant Jay to deal with Mr. Blake's matters." Elliot smiled and turned towards Rain " Let's go Miss. Erena."

Rain nodded and followed Elliot. It did not matter to her who drove her. She just wanted to reach the apartment to dress her wounds. It was irritating as all the blood made her body sticky.

Just before they crossed the threshold of the door, Elliot noticed something and stopped. He called "Miss Erena, wait."

Rain stopped in her steps and turned to Elliot. Elliot moved forward and touched her right shoulder. He frowned and said, "you were shot!" it wasn't a question but a statement.

Rain stopped moving. She had not realised. 'This explains the stickiness. How troublesome' thought Rain. "I don't think so sir. It is just a minor injury which I will treat once I reach my apartment" said Rain.

Elliot's brows furrowed. As she was wearing a black outfit no one had noticed that she was shot and there was blood on her right shoulder. Not until he saw a small hole made by the bullet. He could never mistake a ballistic wound as this is what he had to deal with since he was thirteen. But she did not seem to be fazed by it. Like she was not shot at all. 'What is she made off?'

" We will know once we treat the wound. Since you got hurt while protecting the interests of the company it is my duty to take care of my workers even if it is a minor injury. Jay!" he turned towards his assistant.

"Doctor Li Yang is on his way sir." Jay bowed his head.

"Good. Bring him to the guest room once he arrives," he instructed and asked Rain to follow him.

"It is just a minor injury, sir. I can take care of it myself. You don't have to worry." Rain said.

"I did not ask for your opinion Miss Erena. Just follow me and let my doctor treat your wound. And judging by the position of your wound it is difficult to treat it by yourself specially since you live alone." Elliot said sternly leaving no choice for her but to comply.