Tending wounds

Once inside the guest room, Rain asked Elliot for her phone which was left in the car when they were kidnapped. She knew that Elliot's men would have already retrieved it. " I want to update Andrea about the situation" said Rain.

"Don't worry Miss Erena, Mr. Han Jun will inform her. You just have to take some rest" saying this he handed her the phone. After handing over the phone, he approached her trying to look at her wound intending to give her the primary first aid till the doctor arrived.

Understanding his intention, she stopped him "Mr. Elliot, I want only the doctor to look after my wound. I will wait till then." Hearing this Elliot stopped. Intending to give her some time alone, he retreated from the room and went to deal with the urgent matters while waiting for doctor Li Yang.

As soon as Elliot left the room, Rain jumped from her bed and dashed towards the attached bathroom. Once inside she hastily shut the door and dialled a number. "I remember you mentioning a doctor named Li Yang. Contact him immediately and tell him to keep his mouth shut" she blurted as soon as the call connected, without giving the person on the other end a chance to speak.

"What happened?" a hoarse voice questioned in urgency.

Rain quickly summed up the situation to him. She knew that if this person has mentioned name of a person to her, then that person could be trusted enough to treat her. But it could not be said if he will keep his mouth shut, specially since this Elliot seems to know this Dr. Yang very well. She had to ensure that her secret remains safe. "And don't tell anything to my brothers" she said in a warning tone.

"I will call him immediately" came a curt reply.

Once the call disconnected Rain took a deep breath and opened the door to head back to the room. Just as she opened the door, she saw a young man in his late twenties following Elliot in his white coat which gave away his identity as a doctor.

Rain took a quick glance at the doctor and went back to the bed so that he could check on her. Elliot introduced the doctor to Rain and left the room.

Just as Dr. Yang approached Rain, his cell phone chimed. Planning to ignore the call for now the doctor continued approaching the patient in front of him. "You would want to pick up the call doctor." Rain said.

"No worries. The patient is more important. I will take the call after treating you" said the doctor as he took out a pair of white gloves to wear.

"I insist. You need to take this call" said Rain staring at the eyes of the Li Yang.

Li Yang frowned. He took out his phone and picked up the call which did not last past two minutes. His brows creasing as he disconnected the call. "Who are you?" asked Li Yang.

"You don't need to bother the things which does not concern you Dr. Yang. Now if you would please tend my wounds" asked Rain revealing her wounded shoulder.

Upon seeing the wounded site, a wave of shock flashed past Li Yang. Beside the fresh Ballistic wound, two other ballistic wounds came to his view which were completely healed. All the three wounds on the same shoulder and that too, in the small area that was naked to his eyes, centimetres apart. 'Who is she and what in the hell has she been through?'

Despite the bubbling questions in his mind, he approached the girl with a syringe in his hand which contained the anaesthesia. "No need to use anaesthesia Dr. Yang. Just simply take out the bullet and stitch the wound," said Rain.

Dr. Yang was taken aback with the request however he complied with it as asked by the person on the phone previously, that was to comply to all her requests without any questions asked. After dressing the wound on her shoulder as well as minor scratches on her face and other visible parts of the body as requested by Rain, he prescribed her some medicines and ointments for the wound and turned around to leave the room.

"Dr. Yang" called Rain just as he was about to take a step towards the door. " Don't tell anyone what happened in this room. Tell Mr. Elliot that the bullet just grazed my shoulder and that there is no serious injury. You don't have to worry; I have no evil intentions towards Mr. Elliot and Apexi corporation. I am just asking you to uphold your moral conduct as a doctor to not reveal the patient's medical condition to others without their consent."

Dr. Yang nodded and left the room. After a minute, Elliot came to the room and asked Rain what she wanted to do now. As it was not a serious injury and it was late at night, he asked her whether she wanted to stay fort the night or leave for her apartment to which Rain chose latter.