
Rain took a deep breath once Andrea left the room. Even she was surprised when she heard Elliot but It was not that simple. She needed to think about this offer thoroughly.

She quickly picked up her phone and dialled a number as she headed towards the bed.

"Sister Rain!!! You finally got the time to miss me. I missed you a lot" hearing the chirpy voice, the corners of her lips went up unconsciously. "Quick tell me how was the banquet? Did you enjoy it? How is your wound? You did not act recklessly this time, did you?" came a series of questions from this male mom of hers.

"I missed you too Alex. The banquet was okay. I quite enjoyed it. My wound was healed within a week of getting injured. You do know that I heal quickly. And yes, I was careful and did not act recklessly" answered Rain to all his questions patiently.

Usually, Rain was an impatient person but when it came to her brothers, she had all the patience in the world. This applied to Andrea too. Although she had not known Andrea for a long time, but she liked her chirpy and dramatic behaviour which would often remind Rain of her younger brother. And one thing she was sure about Andrea was that the girl was a good person who genuinely treated Rain as a friend.

"Alex" Rain called her brother, " I want you to investigate a person. And before you jump to the conclusions, he is not related to the people we are searching. He is my new boss." Then she told him everything she knew about Elliot and all that happened these past few days.

"Are you planning to take the offer sister Rain?" after listening to Rain, Alex's voice turned serious, a complete opposite of how it was a few seconds ago. " You can't. You know it is dangerous. We have no clue about our enemy and how much they know about us. We cannot let you go through that pain all over again specially when we are not around you."

"I know Alex. And I have not accepted the offer yet. I just want to know about the person to know his motive behind hiring me. Don't panic." Rain assured her brother.

"Fine" Alex took a deep breath, "You will get the results by tomorrow morning" saying this Alex disconnected the call.

Rain took a deep breath and Andrea's previous words came to her mind. 'Emotions.' Such a simple word, but it was an alien concept for her. Ever since she could remember, she never remembered feeling anything except for those excruciating pain that she felt occasionally. As she pondered on this, her mind flashed with a memory stored in one of the deepest corners of her mind.


"Do you feel anything?" Dr. Rishi asked with a serious face as he just finished stimulating yet another emotion of hers.

"No" replied Rain.

Later he showed one of the funniest movies that he knew that made almost everyone laughing till they were rolling on the floor. Even his assistant was laughing from the corner of the room where he could not even get a clear view, but Rain did not show an ounce of flip in her emotions.

Then he did another experiment to test her resistance to pain.

He made two consecutive cuts in her hands, one deeper than other but she did not move a muscle on her body. As if she never had any contact with a sharp object.

"Dr. Rishi please don't hurt my sister anymore. It's almost that time of the month. Sister will feel pain later" came a childish voice which was in no way childish when he spoke those words. Despite the young age of ten, the cruel world had already taught Zed to be an adult.

As soon as he finished speaking, Rain suddenly yelped and took a deep breath. Then she slumped on the ground and began twisting and turning as if she was in immense pain. "Argh!! It hurts."

Without wasting a second, Dr. Rishi injected her with a medicine for pain which he had prepared specially for her. As the medicine took effect, she slowly began to lose conscious.

It had been a month since they escaped that hell, and they were under the care of Dr. Rishi where he was treating them as well was trying to determine the extent of the damage done to these three innocent kids so that he could fix them. And he was successful in treating Alex and Zed to some extent, but Rain was beyond salvation.

She had suffered and had faced too much cruelty to salvage her. Sometimes scars in souls left a deeper impact than one can imagine, making their bodies a slave of their wounded soul.

After injecting Rain with the medicine, he had explained Zed of his sister's situation knowing well that despite the physical young age, he was already an young adult mentally. "From the recent experiments and tests, I have concluded that your sister is suffering from Alexythymia. It is a condition where a person is unable to recognize and express any emotions. And as for her inability to feel pain we cannot say it is Analgesia as you know she sometimes feel immense pain when...."

And this was all she could register in her mind before she gave in to her slumber.
