
Her mind was brought back to the present by a buzzing sound which came from the bedside table where she had placed her mobile phone.

She picked up her phone to see Zed's name flashing on the screen. "That blabbermouth Alex" muttered Rain as she answered the call.

"Sister Rain…."

Before Zed could speak further Rain spoke "Don't worry Zed. I am not going to accept the offer. I was just curious about his motive and his identity that's why I asked Alex for his information. I know better than to alert the enemies. And I am fine. My wound is not hurting. I am exactly in the same condition as I left this morning, not a single new scratch on my body and Yes, I already have had my dinner."

Zed chuckled at how well his sister knew him. As she already answered all the questions that he intended to ask, he disconnected the call after confirming her decision once more and making some small talks.

Next morning as they were having their breakfast in the hotel's dining area, Rain spotted Elliot and went towards him to give him her answer. As decided with her brothers, the answer was 'No'. While Andrea was having her breakfast looking like a deflated balloon as she already knew Rain's answer.

As she was near his table, she almost collided with one of the waiters as a certain hateful voice entered her ear. If not for Elliot who swiftly pulled her, she would have collided. As soon as she was stable on her feet, she turned around to look in the direction where she came from but found no one except her co-workers who were having breakfast together.

"Careful Erena. You did not have to hurry to let me know your answer you know. There is still some time before you leave for airport. Now tell me, when will you join our Apexi corporation?" asked Elliot with a smirk.

"Day after tomorrow" Rain said giving him a business smile, which she had practiced and mastered for the past year. " As soon as I finish packing and bring my things here" she continued.

Elliot smirked. "Jay, prepare the work contract for miss Erena and have her sign it before she joins day after tomorrow. And while you are at it, prepare an accommodation for her." Elliot ordered his assistant who was standing behind him.

"What the hell happened to you??!!" Andrea exclaimed when Rain told her about her decision on the way to the airport. "Not that I am complaining. I am glad that you finally came to your senses but what changed your decision."

"I just thought about your words" Rain gave her a meek smile.

"For God's sake Rain, don't smile in front of me again unless it's a genuine one. You can fool others but not your teacher. Everyone thinks that I taught you well on maintaining a typical poker face needed for business. Who will tell them that I have been teaching you to smile instead." Andrea complained. She had noticed Rain's inability to laugh so she had been training her on social smiles in case she would become antisocial given her 'history' that she heard of.

"And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to tell me. I hate people lying to me" Andrea harrumphed. She has always found Rain a mystery. She knew that there was something about her that she hid from the world. She never believed her story about her past experience, but she never pried because she always believed her instincts which it told her that she could trust Rain and that she was not a bad person. Besides, she also genuinely liked the girl since the day she saw her. Rain just had something in her that attracted her. Thus, she simply followed her heart and befriended the girl.

Soon Rain settled all her matters and returned to Andville[1]. She did not dare to tell her brothers about it, but she knew that she could never hide anything related to herself from those little devils. She no longer knew that whether she was their elder sister, or they were her parents. They had been so adorable when they had been young that it had conquered a demon's heart turning herself into the human that she was now. But now, they were simply frightening when it concerned her matters. She highly doubted that there must be something wrong in the way she raised them.

Her phone chimed just then, as if someone was heeding her thoughts and answering the payers which she did not want to be answered. The ringtone echoed in the silence breaking the peace of her new room that the company had arranged for her. She dreaded answering the call hearing the special ringtone that was set by their tech genius Alex which only rang when there was a conference call between the siblings. And on top of that it was a video call.

She was doomed.

Knowing that she could not run anymore, she took a deep breath, braced herself and answered the call.