Miseries of the best friends.

"What the hell Yang, why are you dragging me to do a detailed body check-up." Elliot asked, annoyed.

"What's wrong with doing a detailed body check-up? I just feel that you need one" Li yang said as he literally dragged his friend down the hospital's corridor.

"There is nothing wrong with doing it but there is definitely something wrong with you today. It has not even been an hour since you said that I was as healthy as a horse and here you are now, saying that I need a detailed check-up. Are your words food to you that you eat them up whenever you want to? Tell me buddy? Is this case that tiring for you? You know that you can take a break, right? I can ask some of my men…."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!! Who's the one eating their words? Who is the one finding their work tiring huh? It's definitely you, okay?" Li Yang turned towards Elliot with his hands on his waist, no longer wanting to tolerate this sick man's tantrums.

Elliot frowned, "What do you mean?"

Li Yang dragged his friend to his office and closed the door shutting the world outside from this insulated room. He then turned towards his friend and began yelling, "What's with you dude? Didn't you say that you wanted to hire Erena because you wanted to keep a close eye on her that's why you were hiring her? And that you would just give her some minor desk job which will lessen some of Jay's burden? But from what I heard, today you let her do all of Jay's job which involves super confidential files which even the vice-president is unaware of. What the hell were you thinking?"

"What's wrong with this? She's someone who Dr. Rishi is close to. This alone shows that she is trustworthy. I am just curious about her situation that's why I am keeping her close to know about her situation better." Elliot said, avoiding Li Yang's gaze.

Li Yang scoffed, "Lie. Lie all that you can. Do you think I don't know you or your habits. Okay. Say for once, I believe your reason. But what about Erena addressing you as Kai? Do you have a reason for it too? And what about coffee, huh?"

"What about coffee?" Elliot asked.

"Elliot Harvey! Do you take me for a fool, huh? Do you even remember how many times I have warned you about your addiction to coffee? Not just me but your entire family. But have you ever listened to us? You even had the security guards threw me out of your office once just because I said that you should not drink too much coffee. Do you remember your words that day? You said that coffee runs in your veins instead of blood and those who say a word against your coffee is akin a person planning to kill you. But what did you do today? When Erena asked you to replace your precious coffee with juice you didn't even flinch before accepting her offer. What do you take me for? A fool who hasn't seen the world?" Li Yang snarled.

"Did I do that? Why don't I remember doing something like that to you? How can I treat my best friend like that when all he was doing was thinking about my well being?" Elliot asked innocently.

"Do you want to see the CCTV footage?" Li Yang roared.

"You even have that?" Elliot asked sheepishly.

"What do you think?" Li Yang glared at him.

Elliot sighed. "I was wrong. I am sorry about that day. I shouldn't have chased you out."

"Forget about that day. I don't need your heartless apologies right now. Talk about what happened today" Li Yang snorted.

I don't know, okay. I don't know what's wrong with me." Elliot pulled his hairs as he sat on the sofa. He was so frustrated at himself right now. He wanted to refuse Rain so much but he just could't help accepting her words every single time.

"Do you like her?" Li Yang softened his tone, seeing his friend's condition.

"No. I don't. It's just… It's just that whenever she looks at me with those eyes, I just can't control myself. I can neither control my mouth nor my actions when I am looking at them." said Elliot, rubbing his face.

"Are you sure you don't like her?" Li Yang frowned.

"Of course. I know my feelings alright. We are not even that close. It's just… It's just something about her eyes. I don't know what, but it feels like it is hypnotising me. Tell me, what to do? What's wrong with me?" Elliot looked up at his friend like a confused child looking for an answer from his father.

"Hey, don't give me that look okay. You need to figure it out yourself. I am not the one hypnotised here alright. So how would I know?" Li Yang said patting on his shoulder.

"I don't know either. My brain is not working anymore" Elliot sighed.

"Just let it be. Let's go with the flow. You will be facing her everyday and you are right about one thing, that she could be trusted. Hence, we don't need to worry about her staying closer to you. May be, you will be immunised from her eyes in a few days." Li Yang proposed.

" I think you are right. Thanks, Yang for understanding me." Elliot smiled at Yang.

"Of course, we are best friends. If not me then who?" Li Yang said giving a sneaky smile when Elliot was in a daze.