Final Diagnosis

"Sir, why did you cancel the health check-up? What about our boss?" Jay rushed looking for Li Yang after Elliot headed back towards his office to finish his pending work.

"Because I found your boss's illness, there was no longer a need to do the check-up" Li Yang smirked.

"You found out? Quick tell me what happened to our boss? How can we treat him?" Jay was like a mother concerned about his child's health.

"Your boss caught a serious illness. Your boss…" Li Yang dragged.

"Our boss…?" Jay asked troubled.

"Jay, I think you all should prepared yourself. Go and tell everyone." Li Yang said.

"Prepare ourselves? Sir what are you saying? Prepare ourselves for what? Please tell us sir. Don't hide anything from us. What happened to our boss?" Jay almost cried.

"Prepare yourself to have a lady boss" Li Yang chuckled.

"No! We cannot let anything happen to our boss. Sir you have to save his lif… Wait What?" Jay was finally able to process Li Yang's words. "We are going to have who?" Jay roared.

"Jeez! Calm down Jay. Calm down. You almost burst my eardrums. I said I think you are going to get a lady boss. I think your boss is inching towards the whirlpool of love." Li Yang grinned.

"But what has it got to do with boss actions today? It's not like boss never was in a relationship. Boss had a few girls around him since he was in school. But he was never like this in the past." Jay asked concerned.

"It's because he never wanted to date those girls in the past. He only got together with them because of peer pressure. This time it is unknown even to him. Erena is slowly marking her presence in his heart, unknown to him. I may be wrong, and it might only be momentary attraction because of the mystery around her. But as far as I believe, it can become more than that. We just have to wait and see." Li Yang analysed.

"What do we do then?" asked Jay.

"Just do your work and let him be. Let him confront his feelings on his own." Li Yang said to which Jay nodded and left the office in a daze.

After Jay departed, Li yang took a deep breath and sat down on his office chair, analysing the conjuncture and events since the time Elliot met Rain with a frown.

After an entire night of analysing and thinking, he suddenly had a light bulb moment. Excited, he grabbed his car keys and dashed out of his office.

After about half an hour, outside a grand and lavish villa, Li yang stepped out of his car. Once inside the villa, he asked the butler, "Where is your master?"

"He's in the backyard, gardening" Butler answered respectfully.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Li Yang made his way towards the backyard of the mansion.

Once he reached the backyard, he saw an old man crouched down with a garden fork loosening the soil with intense look and concentration. He was wearing an apron with printed pattern which gave him a cute look. 'Perhaps, he stole it again from his wife'. Li Yang smiled and shook his head when his gaze landed on this. "What are you planning now old man?" Li Yang asked once he reached near the old man.

The old man jerked. "I did not steal it. I did not. I just borrowed it. I swear I will wash it before returning it to you darling." The garden fork fell from his hands as he stood up hastily, worried that he was caught again.

The guilty smile on his face stiffened once his turned around.

The old man snarled when he saw the young man standing before him instead of his wife. "You! What are you doing here? How dare you sneak behind me?" The old man had a deadly aura, a complete opposite to his previous countenance. He was no longer that cute self, instead he turned to a deadly tiger.

"Hey! Hey! I did not sneak up on you, okay? I came here making my usual noise. It was you who was so concentrated on loosening the soil that you did not notice me. It was your fault." Li Yang raised his both hands.

"Huh! What are you doing here lad?" the old man scoffed.

Li Yang put his hands down and said again "What plan are you hatching this time, old man?". He came straight to the point. His gaze piercing the old man, ready to take in every change in the expression on the old man's face.