Planning to kidnap his daughter

Dr. Rishi sighed, "He knows and he trusts her. What do you think? Do you think that the old fox would just let anyone near that stinky brat from the Harvey family. He dared to play dirty all because he knows everything. I am telling you, there is going to be a war in the near future all because of that old smelly sly fox." Dr. Rishi was once again annoyed as he was reminded of the old man's doing.

Li Yang chuckled, " You are acting like someone kidnapped your daughter."

"Yes, isn't this what's happening right now? Someone is planning to kidnap my daughter." Dr. Rishi fumed.

"I didn't know you were this close to miss Erena" Li Yang teased.

Dr. Rishi smiled, "You don't know many things brat. But for now, just help me take care of her during this time as you already know about her condition, and I can put my heart at rest knowing that she would be alright with you around. That girl can be quite stubborn sometimes. Give me a call if anything happens to her. I am trusting you with this task now, boy. Don't let me down. And remember, don't let your mouth let loose about her condition in front of anyone. Not even that stinky friend of yours."

"I know" Li Yang, muttered and ended the call. He felt a little better after this call.

Ever since he left the Apexi corporation he felt as if someone had put a mountain over his heart. No not since he left the place, but ever since he did the check-up on Rain. He sighed and leaned back on the car seat as he closed his eyes. The scene back in the room replaying his mind.


"Could you please pull your pants up a little Miss Erena." Li Yang asked as he wore his gloves.

"Please just call me Erena." Rain said pulling her pants up to her thighs."

Li Yang nodded, then his gaze landed on her legs. He felt stumped. He stood rooted to the place for a long while before he turned his head up to look at Rain, his eyes showing horrified expression.

"Just like the last time, forget about it as soon as you exit the room Dr. Yang. Patient's privacy, remember?" Rain asked in her usual monotonous voice.

It took a while for Li Yang to come around. He nodded dazedly as he stepped forward to check her legs for any sign of cuts or scalding other than the one that Elliot spotted, that was if he could spot one.

Her skin was exposed from her foot to her knees above which her pants were crumbled making a small mountain. He could see numerous small scars on one of her legs. He took her right leg, which had those scars and begin searching for any sign of redness or blood because of the broken pieces of the cups in that ocean of scars. He ran his eyes from the sole of her foot to ankles and then towards her calf. There he found a small red area over one of her stab wound, which started from the back of her lower calf and running diagonally towards her mid-calf region at the end of which were other two small round scars indicating that a bullet had pierced the area. It was the only long scar he could find on this leg and the most inconspicuous one. He took the ointment and put it on the burnt area gently worried that would hurt her old wounds although he knew that he was worried for nothing as that was not possible.

Thankfully, there was only one spot which was scalded on this leg. He put her leg down with slightly shaking hands and then switched her leg. To his relief there was no stab wounds on this one. But when he looked behind, he was floored once again. There were three ballistic wounds just behind her knees. His heart stopped beating for a second. Being from a medical profession he knew how crucial this part was. Although her life would not be threatened, it was high chance that she could have undergone amputation if it was not treated timely. And she was shot here not only once, but thrice. At this time the only thing that ran through his mind was 'Really, who is she? What had she been through?'.