Old Acquaintances

The eyes of the people in the room followed the source of the sound only to be met with the mocking gaze of the skinny man.

While the people in the room were still in daze, the skinny man waved his hand and the people standing behind him quickly made a move and pushed the girls out of the door before shutting it tightly, leaving behind only Obi and his underling who had yet to come out of their shock.

Obi quickly came out of his stupor and squinted his eyes, glaring at the skinny man as if to trying to identify the person. And when he did, it was as if a lightening bolt struck him.

It took a moment for him to calm down his nerves. "Well, well, well… Look who we have here. I used to think of the countless scenarios in which we meet again but never in those scenarios was there a situation like this. What have bought the mighty you to this humble abode my lord." Obi sniggered, his eyes glinting with mirth.

"Oh! What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect you to still keep me in your heart after all these years. And here I thought that you would have long erased me from your memories after all its been a long time. I must say, I am touched" the skinny man said farcically.

"Of course! How can I ever forget you. I have always kept you in my heart and you know that" Obi played along with the farce.

"Stop pretending Obi. What are you up to now?" asked the skinny man in a scorning manner, ending the farce.

"What? You ain't playing anymore? And here I thought that I could have fun with you while reminiscing about the old times. And what do you mean by what I am up to? I am just running a bar and living an honest life now, okay? You got a problem with that?" Obi asked raising his brow.

"Do you think I would mind if you did just that. After all, I don't want to dirty my hands anymore. I don't want to go back to business. But the problem is, you are not following what you just said. You could have at least concealed your exquisite masterwork before claiming to be a saint. Maybe I would believe you a little then" the skinny man said looking at the corpse on the floor.

"Oh her? Don't mind her. Some people are just born with a bad luck and short life written to their destiny, unlike you. She asked for it as she dared to hurt me while I was showing my love for her. If you would just ignore her, you would find that what I said is not a lie. I am indeed running a honest business now. The bar you are standing in right now belongs to me which is the best proof that I have given up on that business" Obi enunciated, sucking up to the skinny man, which disgusted him.

"Honest business indeed" the skinny man said with a mocking tone as he walked forward and quickly separated the curtains from the only wide glass window which replaced one of the walls in the room. The window overlooked the dance floor down below. From where they were standing, men at corners could be seen selling and purchasing a white packet which was not difficult to identify as drugs.

"I don't need to hear your words. I believe in what I see. And I can see that you have not changed much which is also quite expectable. After all, a leopard doesn't change its spots." The skinny man turned back after drawing the curtains back, slowly approaching the beefy man.

"Are you trying to scare me? Don't forget that this is my turf. Do you think you can come here like this and wreck a havoc in my place without inflicting yourself. Tch… tch.. tch.. If you think so, then you are gravely mistaken. Do you think I am as I was back then?" Obi asked in a mocking tone as he continued standing there, glaring at the approaching man's eye with a stern gaze.

"What can you do to me? Don't tell me you forgot all about my flairs in the time that we were apart Obi" the skinny man returned back Obi's glare as he stood in front of him, daring Obi to take actions against him if he could.