How powerful was that person?

"....I am one of the few people responsible for this change."

Elliot was floored. He looked at Happy in shock. "So, you do know what's going on. Do you know the culprit behind these six incidences?" Elliot shovelled a file towards Happy.

Happy took the file in his hands and just glanced at those reports. Just a few words and he knew which incidences he was talking about. He smiled, "Of course. I was the one who helped wiping the traces in the first five cases after all. I don't know about the sixth one but I am sure that the culprit behind the first five cases is different than the recent ones" Happy's eyes dimmed as he uttered the last sentence.

"How do you know it's not the same culprit. And wait! Culprit? Not culprits?" Elliot was getting shock aftershocks tonight.