Light bulb moment

Elliot and Li Yang looked at each other in bewilderment after Happy left the room. They felt surreal after this faceoff conversation with Happy. True enough, the information that Happy fed them was enough to change their worldviews. What more, when he had only scratched the tip of the iceberg at the moment.

The duo went deep in their thoughts, analysing the information that they got tonight. No wonder Happy was unwilling to reveal the entire truth to them. They did not know how they would react to the entire truth. They would surely not believe it if they had not stumbled upon this video.

They thought and discussed the matter over the next two days while resuming their office work. Elliot was deep in thought walking towards his office when he noticed Rain at her work desk. Although nothing changed and she appeared as usual, but he intuited that something changed in her. Not exactly in her but the aura she gave off. She had the air of being happy. Like a sunshine after a heavy rain.