Sianna and her parents sat around their dining table. All eyes were on her and she could only imagine what would be going through their minds.

"Why would you do that Sianna?" her father asked sternly. There was no response. Then he slammed his hands hard on the table and exclaimed

"Answer me!"

"I don't know" she answered a bit frightened

"Fine, here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna reject this offer and you're gonna go to Harvard, understood?" he commanded

"No" she replied quite scared but hid it by displaying confidence in her tone

"No?" he retorted quite astonished

"No. You said I could take a gap year"

"That was a mistake, besides you live by your mother's conditions"

"And why is that?"

"Are we really doing this right…"

"Why is that dad?!" Sianna asked with rage and almost in tears

He took a deep breath and answered

"Because…because I left" he replied as the atmosphere began to calm down.

"That's enough!" Sianna's mum ordered

"It's not enough mum, he has nothing to do with any of this. Everything that happened to us is his fault. He has no right to tell me what to do and what not to unless I ask" she stressed

She took a deep breath and then continued

"Why and what I am today is because he left me and because you stayed….you stayed"

"Sianna I'm sorry. I still carried my love for you…." Calvin said apologetically but was cut short

"Bullshit!" Sianna retorted

"Sianna!" Sloane called out

"I'm going to Bernice, and I know I'm throwing away a perfectly good opportunity but this is what I have decided in order to satisfy my selfish wants and to please your 'so' perfect imaginations of me"


My mum asked me some time ago what school did to me. Simple, it existed. Then she asked what she did to me. Again, it's simple; God gave me to her. Growing up she kept on telling me 'head before heart' and I replied 'them after us'. But she let love control her. It has always been us since I was eight. Sloane and Sianna, always and forever. So when we argue like hell, I get sad. I mean she thinks I enjoy being a stubborn kid. I just wish she gets me like my dad does. I normally don't get mad at him like that but when he intrudes in my life like he was ever there for me? Come on, it's bound to stir up some hard feelings. Honestly speaking, I love my dad and my mum and I know they love me too. We just all have different ways of showing it.

"Did you pack everything you need?" Sloane asked leaning on the hinges of Sianna's room door as she watched her pack her kinds of stuff.

"You don't have to be here mum and/or say things like this. You know, act like you care" Sianna insisted. Then she continued packing her stuff. She struggled to fit her clothes inside her box and was more annoyed knowing fully well that her mother watched her struggle immensely.

"You need a little help?" Sloane asked like she wasn't aware of what was going on. Sianna just ignored her and continued to struggle that was when her mum decided to cut the childish act and helped her close the box.

"Thank you" Sianna muttered then went to get other things ready

"You know it's been long since you told me that" Sloane said sadly as she sat on Sianna's bed. She clinched the bedsheet as she reminisced about their old times.

"And it's been a long time since you did something for me that actually required me to say thanks" Sianna retorted

Sloane gave a short laugh and then stood up. Heading downstairs she reminded Sianna that her dad had started the engines of his car.

Sianna stepped out with all her luggage and breathed in heavily then gave a sigh of relief, knowing fully well that a new journey in her life is about to begin. She hopped in the car ready to go, barely speaking to her mother and barely staring at her father. Sloane bid her farewell even though she knew Sianna wasn't gonna utter a word. Her dad dropped her off at the airport and that was it, Sianna unfolded a new chapter of her life and it began without the two people who made her who she was.

Epictetus a Greek philosopher once said that we have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak. So I listen where ever I find myself. A person who listens carefully and attentively to the world will be wise and able to judge rightly.

Before coming here I did my research, I went through reviews on the school, FAQs, and history. One Mai Woo mentioned that Bernice City College was not only a place to learn but a place to find comfort and to make long-lasting friendships. Overall, it had shown itself to be a family. Another Charity never had college in the cards for her but after BCC she found a foundation. Of course, they were downsides to the reviews but all that matters to me is that I might graduate and get a college degree, making zero friends and nada boyfriends. After all, it's just two years and after that, we don't get to see each other again, right?


Sianna had resumed quite late since she had sent out a late application to the college. Registrations were stressful and signing in to her dormitory even more. There were three in a room. The college had a boys and girls dorm. The dorms were like a replica of an average American girl and/or boy child room and that's a compliment for a community college like Bernice. Each room had three occupants. Sianna was the third seeing as she came a bit late. They all stared at her as she entered. She was a pretty girl. One could see it amidst the 'I really don't care' look she had on her face and her messed-up curly hair she always packed as a bun.

"Hi, I'm Angelica" one of Sianna's roommates finally stepped up to greet extending her hands for a handshake. Sianna shook her hands and smiled, then walked away to her corner. She started unpacking. She paused for a moment then turned to Angelica and told her the name.

"For a moment there I thought you couldn't talk" Gabby; the other roommate mocked Sianna.

"Same here" Sianna retorted as Angelica chuckled

"Hey, who the hell do you think you are?" Gabby asked already pissed heading toward Sianna

"This should be fun" Angelica smiled

"Look, I didn't come here to make friends….neither did I come here to make enemies. So just leave me alone okay?" Sianna responded quite calmly. Then continued unpacking.

Sianna had arrived at the college on a Friday, and every Saturday, the college had a general outdoors exercise activity for all freshmen. Most of them usually escaped this but ever since fewer students began to participate in this activity, the school made it mandatory.

The room was silent after Sianna's response until the whistle blew.

"Everybody out! Time for our Saturday morning drill" the hall general instructed as she went around the hall.

"Morning Saturday drill?! What the hell is this, outdoor camping?" Sianna asked shocked and annoyed

"It's mandatory" Angelica moaned

"Hope you came with some tracks" Gabby asked with little or no concern as she changed into hers.

"Isn't there a way to like you know… know" Sianna asked hoping that they all knew what she was trying to say

"Escape it?" Angelica asked a bit confused

"Exactly" Sianna affirmed

"Oh, there are plenty of ways. Too bad we are not friends" Gabby said with no remorse as she left the room all ready for the drill.

"Ouch! That's gotta hurt" Angelica added. She stood up ready to change then had a quick glimpse at Sianna's already gloomy face. Then she sighed.

"I'm only doing this cause you arrived yesterday. Come on" she ordered.

Sianna thanked her. Then, they began their escape plan.