Honestly, coming to Bernice had been my worse decision ever! The rules they had, it was almost as if I was in high school, over and over and over again. Worse of all, my roommates hate me- Gabby mostly.

"Computer science majors study computer systems, design software and solve problems using computing technologies. The discipline encom…." The lecturer; Mr Stevens paused for a while as he noticed one particular student walk into the class late

"Why are you late for my class mister?" He asked, stepping down from the podium. The student had an earpiece on, so he couldn't hear what was being said. It was until he got to his seat and sat down that he realized the lecturer was addressing him.

"Oh, me?" he asked quite dumbfounded

"No, me!" Mr Stevens replied sarcastically

"oh ok, cool"

"Boy, you've got a whole lotta nerve if you think you could just waltz into my class late whenever you want. I'll have you know that…"

"okay….see you next time I see you?" he said with a smile on his face. Then he left the lecture hall. Leaving Mr Stevens humiliated.

No one dared behave as such when it came to Mr Stevens. He was a puritan. He loved to follow strict moral codes and avoids anything that would bring about pleasure. Most people called him a sadist. But one thing about him is that he was just. He did unto others what they deserved, but there was one person in particular this law didn't apply to in his books.

"Sorry, do you know the name of the boy that just did, you know… all that" Sianna asked the girl sitting in front of her, determined to know his name and even more.

"Oh, come on! Everyone knows the guy that treats the devil himself as though he were in diapers. He owns the school and everyone in it"

"Now, that's gotta be too much for a guy like that, don't you think?

"More like a god. He's Luca Castaigne. Also known as the vice Chancellor's son"

"So that's why he's a god? You've gotta be kidding me. You're meaning to tell me that you all respect and you! You, Mr Lecturer guy…." Sianna asked in disgust, as she stood up with her fingers pointed at Mr Stevens

"….you let that guy disrespect and humiliate you in front of your students just cause he's the vice Chancellor's son?! You know what f** Luca, f** the vice Chancellor and f** this entire community college" Sianna added this time very pissed.

She left the class in annoyance. No sooner had she found herself in the VC's office.

"In your words- f** my son, f** me and f** my entire school." Mr Castigne said very disappointedly and a bit annoyed

"Point of correction, those aren't my words. If you put them like that, they sound more disrespectful" Sianna jumped in to defend herself.

"For things like this, you could get withdrawn from the college"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just not right to see a privileged person suffer other people just cause they aren't as lucky as he is"

"Are you talking about my son?"

"Yeah, you should teach him some manners, and also how to do his hair cause I don't know if you get this a lot but your hair looks amazing"

"Thanks" there was a brief pause for a while then Mr Castigne started

"Look, your application says that you got into Harvard. It didn't say why you didn't go to Harvard but says why you wanna go here. Now tell me, why didn't you go to Harvard?"

"Look if you wanna expel me just do it."

"I'm being serious Ms Morris…"

Sianna paused, then took a deep breath.

"Family issues"

"Financial breakdown?"

"No. 'My mother wanting me to live in her shadows' issue. Look sir, with all due respect, I don't wanna go deep into all that has been happening in my life for the past months. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna go now" Sianna said with tears gathered in her eyes.

"Hey, it's ok. You can go. But no more standing up to lecturers in the worse way. There are easier ways to do that, and most importantly, you're not expelled". Mr Castigne said with a huge smile on his face as he held Sianna's hands for a moment, then let them go, enabling her to go for her next class.

In my life, have I never seen a boy so arrogant and proud as that Luca boy. Truth be told, I was beginning to like him. I thought he was my person, you know, does whatever he wants and doesn't give a shit or care in the world. He was beginning to look like my ideal guy until I learned people treated him like a god because he was privileged?! Like what the hell! As I walked down the hall I was furious. I know, let it go Sianna. But I can't. The more I think about it, the more I get angrier. And the more I see his face...

At this moment, Sianna saw him; Luca Castaigne. She was angry. The way girls looked at him while curling their hair, the way boys watched his back like they were his bodyguard and teachers show him the respect he clearly did not deserve like he was going to sack them.

Every vain and nerve in Sianna's body kept telling her to react. She tried to hold back but couldn't. So she took the closet thing to her and tried to hit Luca with it, but she missed and hit the wall.

No sooner did she see herself in the dean of students affairs office

"You tried to hit Luca Castaigne with a hammer?!" the dean of student affairs; Mrs Carlotta exclaimed.

"In my defence, I intentionally missed his head" Sianna said unsure

"You were aiming for his head?!" Mrs Carlotta said in shock

"Hey, I was angry!"

"You would have killed the vice Chancellor's son!"

"Ok, I'm sick and tired of everyone telling me he's the vice Chancellor's son, for God's sakes, he's just a boy!" Sianna stressed

" My God! There's not even a single sign of remorse in your eyes"

" I'm honestly sorry. I couldn't control myself... again"


" You see, I come from a broken home. My dad always beat up my mum just so he could squeeze a little cash out and buy more drugs that mess up his mental" Sianna lied

"Oh no" Mrs Carlotta said shocked as she bent over to console her

"Oh yes. One time he beat her up so bad I picked up a knife to stab him, but I missed"

"Oh dear! Now I know. This is coming from poor parental background. I can't blame you for such an act. Poor child. I'll let you go, but you must learn to control yourself, okay?" Mrs Carlotta warned

"I certainly will" Sianna assured. Then she left for her dorm

There are many things I don't know. Like why people change or why people make promises they can't keep. Why people lower themselves just cause someone of great personality demands them to. Why people are so bitter. Why people are so stupid too. But what I do know is that at this very moment- I hate Luca Castaigne.