Sianna and Gabby and Angelica all sat on their beds staring at each other, Sianna and Gabby fully aware of what was going on.

"Ok, can someone explain to me why we are having this weird ass staring contest? Cause like we are all losing to each other terribly" Angelica asked breaking the awkward silence.

"Is there something we are all missing Gabby?" Sianna asked

Gabby refused to answer.

"Wow, okay, so I'm definitely missing something" Angelica said as she was now in the know

"Are you saying something or should I…" Sianna asked but she got interrupted by Gabby

"My personal life is none of you guys fucking business" Gabby said trying to defend herself

"Oh trust me it very much isn't, but when you act like a fucking hypocrite I have all rights to call you out" Sianna barked

"A hypocrite?" Angelica asked confused. Meanwhile, Gabby was left speechless.

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?!" Angelica asked. There was silence once more till Sianna decided to break it

"Gabby is a homo"

"We all know Gabby is homophobic" Angelica chuckled

"No. The other homo"

Angelica paused for a moment to decipher what Sianna had just said. Then she got the message…

"Oh my God Gabby you're fucking gay??!!!" Angelica asked in disbelief.

Gabby just stared at the both of them watching them rant at her. She was alive but her mind had travelled to a faraway land. She was practically numb and speechless. Suddenly, she fell flat on her bed and then there was silence once more.

According to Dr Charles .F. Glassman, Hypocrites are rather easy to recognize. They spend most of their time pointing out the flaws in others, and the rest of the time trying to flaunt their own perfection. There were so many instances where Gabby had called out people of the LGBTQ. But there she was kissing pathetic!

Gabby Monroe was very much a hypocrite. Her family was not the religious type but they very much believed in a greater power up above which was God. They were ideal, they were understanding, a family that a child would yearn for. But for no reason, Gabby was quite confined. She never told anyone what she was going through. From her point of view, she wasn't hundred percent gay. She was like an enthusiast, and experimenter. She wasn't seeing Carly; the girl she kissed, with the aim to become an item, she was seeing her for pleasure solely but Carly would of course expect more.

Gabby opened her eyes and saw her roommates gathered around her

"You're alive praise Jesus" Angelica said

"You ready to talk?" Sianna asked quite concerned

Gabby sat upright and then nodded her head in affirmation.

"Her name is Carly. We met in class. She brought out this version of me that kept me questioning my sexuality"

"Questioning?" Sianna asked confused

"Yeah, I'm straight" Gabby answered

"How about Carly?" Angelica asked

"She's... not" Gabby hesitated

"You do realize that sooner or later she's gonna wanna want you guys to be like a 'thing' right?" Sianna asked in quote

"My advice? Apologise for using her, I'm sure she'll understand" Angelica said calmly.

"You're sure?" Gabby asked worriedly.

"I don't think so...but you should at least try" Sianna said indifferently to whether Gabby tried or not. She laid down on her bed and began using her phone.

"Where's your phone? I have an idea" Angelica said to Gabby as she got up to collect her phone. She had the phone and then sat on Gabby's bed. She searched Carly's name and it came up then she began texting her.

"What the hell are you typing?!" Gabby asked trying to grab her phone from Angelica but she was persistent and when she was done, she returned Gabby's phone and then smiled. Gabby quickly searched for the message Angelica sent and when she saw it she screamed and then read it aloud.

"Can you come to my room in 10, I kinda wanna tell you something important?! I'm gonna kill you you bitch!" Gabby yelled in disbelief as she tumbled over Angelica trying to hurt her. Sianna laughed at the sight of the two of them fighting then suddenly, they all heard a knock on the door. Gabby got off Angelica's body as Angelica panted heavily and Sianna stopped laughing. They were all shocked because none of them was expecting anybody at that moment.

"Who's there?" Gabby asked nervously.

"It's Carly" Carly replied and Gabby laid back on the bed in frustration.

"This is gonna be interesting" Sianna jeered as she laid back down on her bed and continued using her phone. Gabby was hesitant to open the door but later did after much persuasion from Angelica.

" wanted to talk?" Carly asked nervously.

"Yeah..." Gabby said as she welcomed Carly in. She led her to her corner of the room and they both sat on her bed. She then cleared her throat as a sign for her and Sianna to leave the room. They understood the sign and left though at first Sianna was reluctant to. Angelica took Sianna to one of her friend's room as Gabby and Carly had their private discussion.

"Wow! You didn't even introduce me to your roommates" Carly said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Carly but a lot has been said today and im supposed to tell you but I can't because I'm scared that you'll hate me and I said to come in 10" Gabby said nervously.

"You said it was important and I was around so...and I have told you but many times that you shouldn't be scared to let your true feelings out. So say it, I'm not gonna hate you" Carly stressed as she held Gabby's hands.

"Okay..." Gabby said. Then she took a deep breath and then let out a sigh.

"I don't wanna date you. Like a relationship... I don't see us becoming a thing. Don't get me wrong, you're a good person and you would make a fantastic girlfriend and-and I know you want to be in a relationship so I realised that I was being selfish by keeping you in the dark and I'm very sorry for that. Carly, I just hope... I just hope you understand and not hate me" Gabby confessed. Carly stared at her in disbelief. She was too stunned to speak.

"Say something Carly" Gabby demanded almost in tears but Carly refused to speak.

"Carly please I beg you, say something" Gabby begged already in tears and then Carly removed her hands from Gabby's and stood up from the bed.

"I don't hate you Gabby, but it's's better you don't talk to me again...goodbye" Carly stuttered almost in tears and then she walked out of the room in tears. Gabby could hear her sobbing from inside the room which made her break into tears. She curled up on her bed and buried her head in a pillow.

While Carly and Gabby discussed, Sianna and Angelica had theirs with Angelica's friends.

"Mindy, Leslie, Veronica, this is my friend and roommate Sianna, Sianna, my friends" Angelica said standing beside Sianna as she pointed out who was who.

"Hi" Mindy, Leslie and Veronica chorused.

"Oh my God, I know you! You're the girl that asked me who Luca Castaigne was right before you insulted his dad and then you went on to almost murdering him with a hammer...sick!" Leslie said amused.

"I wouldn't put it like that but okay" Sianna said nervously.

"Come sit" Mindy said politely and then Sianna sat on Leslie's bed while Angelica sat on Mindy's.

"So Angelica, what about that boy you were looking at the other day in class... I know you think he's hot" Veronica jeered as everyone in the room laughed.

"Angelica likes a boy? I thought she was gonna be a nun or something" Sianna said surprised.

"Same here girl" Mindy said in agreement with Sianna.

"Ha ha ha. His name is Daniel and I do not like him...we are just friends" Angelica said sternly.

"We'll see about that when we all attend Luca's party" Veronica said as she scrolled through her phone.

"That's...gonna be a hard pass for me" Sianna said and everyone stared at her.

"Girl, if Angelica's agreeing to go for a party with us, you are no exception. The party's tonight, dress to impress bitches" Veronica said with a grin and everyone excluding Sianna cheered her on.

In the words of Sianna Morris... I am fucked.