Sianna and Angelica left Angelica's friend's room knowing that by then Gabby would have been done talking to Carly. As they got to their room they discussed.

"Angelica, there's no way I'm gonna go for Luca's's LUCA" Sianna stressed.

"You wanted to apologise to him so here's your chance" Angelica said trying to convince Sianna to attend the party.

"I know but I'm not really a party person... I don't do people" Sianna confessed. On hearing this, Angelica slowed down her walking pace and then halted so she could advise Sianna.

"How many friends did you have before you now" Angelica asked sternly.

"I was homeschooled so it has just been me and my mum these past years" Sianna admitted sadly.

"You see! The more reason why you should let loose and attend Luca's party. Who knows...maybe after apologising to Luca, you guys know" Angelica jeered making rubbing her hands against her body to signify "making out".

"Eww, gross! The last thing I'm gonna do is make out with a narcissistic daddy's boy. I'm just gonna apologise for almost killing him and then leave his sight" Sianna said confidently.

"Oh my God Sianna! You haven't even had a one-on-one conversation with Luca for you to be that judgemental about him. Plus, he's kinda hot..." Angelica said but got interrupted when she and Sianna saw Carly leaving their room in tears.

"Gabby" Angelica called out and then she and Sianna ran to their room. They met Gabby curled up on her bed with her head buried in her pillow sobbing.

" everything alright?" Angelica asked sadly as she laid down next to Gabby.

For some reason I dislike Gabby. I thought people like her were not capable of feeling pain yet there she was...crying. I just stood there looking at her and I felt bad because deep down, I was happy to see her that way.

"What happened?" Sianna asked forcing the words out of her mouth. Gabby then rose her head from the pillow and then sat upright. She sobbed for a while and then began to explain what had happened.

"After I told her the whole truth she just walked away. She told me that she doesn't hate me but no longer wants to speak to me again. I hate you guys for this" Gabby said crying as she laid her head on Angelica's lap.

"It's okay Gabby. She's gonna wanna talk to you one day" Angelica said as caressed Gabby's head.

"You don't understand. She was like a friend to me and now I've lost her" Gabby said still crying.

"She deserved to know the truth Gabby. You did the right thing" Sianna said sternly and then she retired to her bed. All she thought about was the party. She didn't even have anything to wear.

Angelica's friends were kinda cool. It wasn't on my to-do list to make friends or let loose but to be honest, Angelica was right. All these years it had been just me and mum. It was time to make a difference so I got out my phone and texted Mary. I asked her if she was going to the party but she said she wasn't as far as it was Luca's and I understood why. It kinda looked controversial- me going to Luca's party so I told her that my roommate's friends forced me to.

It was nighttime and also time for Luca's party. Gabby wasn't going obviously so it was just Sianna, Angelica and her friends. Sianna looked for what to wear but she couldn't find anything worthy. Angelica was already ready. She wore an oversized T-shirt and some tight jean shorts along with her Nike. Meanwhile, Sianna still looked for what to wear. She saw a short black long-sleeved turtle neck gown and decided to put it on.

"Are you ready?" Angelica said with a smile that quickly turned to a frown when she saw what Sianna had on.

"Sianna...are you sure you wanna go to Luca's party like this?" Angelica asked nervously.

"What's wrong with it?" Sianna asked already stressed out. Gabby who was resting on her bed, turned to see what Sianna was wearing and stood up to help her enhance it.

"There's nothing wrong with it but it can look a lot better" Gabby said smiling and then she got her scissors and began cutting out some parts of the clothes. She cut out materials around her chest area, both her shoulders and around her waist in such a way that part of her back was exposed. When she was done, she turned Gabby to the mirror and everyone in the room was shocked, even Gabby herself.

"What the fuck, I am a fucking god" Gabby boasted.

"Sianna, you have no idea how beautiful you look right now" Angelica said smiling.

I stared in the mirror admiring myself as Gabby praised herself and Angelica complimented me. I looked beautiful.

"You know what will make the look fire, if you like let your hair down" Angelica suggested smiling.

"Let your hair down Rapunzel" Gabby jeered and then Sianna did as they wanted. When she let them down, they stood wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

"What happened is it bad?" Sianna asked confused with their emotions. Then Angelica's friends came into their room and they were also shocked to see Sianna.

"There's no fucking way that's you Sianna if so then let's get fucking married because I'm absolutely loving your outfit" Veronica said amused by Sianna's fit.

"Thanks to Gabby" Sianna said nervously and they all cheered Gabby on.

"Let's all take a pick before we go" Mindy suggested and they all agreed to it. Gabby opted out of taking pictures with them and they didn't force her to. The rest took the pictures using Mindy's phone.

"It's party time bitches!" Veronica yelled happily and they all cheered her on. Veronica's boyfriend was waiting for them outside their hostel and when they all arrived, they headed straight to Luca's apartment outside the college. The place was packed. Veronica stepped aside with her boyfriend while the rest walked into the party with style. They imagined that they were on a runway and everyone was staring at them but in reality, no one was. Leslie and Mindy later went their way leaving only Sianna and Angelica.

"So, what do they do at parties?" Sianna asked aloud so Angelica could hear her.

"We dance" Angelica replied and then she grabbed Sianna by the hands onto the dance floor. As they danced, Sianna missed a step and then she fell and tumbled over Luca.

"Luca?" She said after realising that she was on top of her sworn enemy...Luca Castaigne.