John Mayer once said that you learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry and I found out the both in him. According to Anais Nin, each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born and this was exactly what had happened while we spoke. The conversation I had with Luca made me see another version of him and a version of myself I never thought would return after my dad left us. It was like he softened me. I felt vulnerable once again. I wanted to tell someone how I felt about Luca but then again, I wanted no one to know about it. I mean...what if I was just overthinking and Luca actually doesn't feel something for me.
We all prepared to go for lectures; I, Angelica and Gabby. We told her about the last night and she went crazy. I know this wasn't the know, to make friends but hey, what can I say, the systems changed me.
Sianna got to class with Leslie waiting for the lecturer's arrival and so did other students. Luca came in seconds before the lecturer. As he walked in, Sianna stared at him and he smiled as he winked at her. As the lecture went on, Sianna got a text from Luca which was mocking the way the lecturer talked and looked. She chuckled and then texted him back mocking the lecturer as well. Leslie who sat next to Sianna noticed how distracted she was.
"Hey, what's making you laugh?" Leslie whispered concerned.
"I just thought about something that's why" Sianna whispered back.
"Well, you're distracting me. This is the best part of this course" Leslie whispered.
"Leslie you surprise me sometimes" Sianna whispered.
"I know right, sometimes I surprise myself" Leslie jeered and they both chuckled. They caught the attention of the lecturer.
"Hey you two, mind telling me what's funny?" The lecturer asked annoyed. Sianna and Leslie were dumbfounded.
"I'm waiting..." The lecturer said impatiently. Sianna and Leslie were about to stand up when Mrs Carlotta came in. She looked unhappy. She pulled the lecturer to a corner and told him something concerning Luca. He came back to the class and instructed Luca to follow Mrs Carlotta. He was confused but he did as he was told. This interruption caused him to forget about Sianna and Leslie's case so he continued with the lesson telling them that they were going to have a test the next day.
After lectures, Sianna met up with Mary. They went to her lodge to discuss since they rarely saw each other in school. They laid on her bed, side by side facing each other as they discussed.
"How was the party last night?" Mary asked with a smile.
"It was would have been so much better if you came along" Sianna said with a smile.
"I would have but you know..."
"It was Luca's party...why do you hate Luca so much?" Sianna asked nervously. Mary took a deep breath and then sat upright on the bed as she narrated her past with Luca.
Luca and I had known each other for two years now. I changed school and fended for myself because I ran away from my parents. They just couldn't understand me. Why I gave myself Mary Margarita was because I got a job in a bar where I made the best margarita's and the owner always commended me for that. It was the proceeds I got from the job that I used in funding my academic journey.
I attended Greenwood High a school Luca attended as well. We got to know each other through a mutual friend; Collins. Luca was a playboy and I was drawn to him. He tattoed the names of any girl he slept with at the back of his neck and when I saw it, I wanted him to get one for me. But I wanted it on his chest and he told me he would get one. He eventually did and he showed me. I got excited and we made out in his room. Like a foolish girl, I told him that I loved him and said the same too, and with that affirmation, I thought we were already like a thing.
Later that week, we went to a party one of the most popular girls; Devina in our school was throwing. He picked me up in his car and we went to the party. We came in holding hands and everyone stared at us. It was like we were not meant to be, not in a romantic way but in a derogatory way. But I ignored all eyes on us. I asked Luca if he wanted a drink and he said yes so I went ahead and got a drink for the both of us. On returning, I saw Luca kissing Devina. The shot glasses I had in my hands fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. That was when Luca noticed me but he ignored me and continued kissing Devina.
I got angry and went to pull Devina off of him but instead, that fucker pushed me to the ground. He insulted me afterwards, calling me names like a slut and a whore. I was shocked by his behaviour. With tears in my eyes, I reminded him that he told me that he loved me. But he denied it saying how could he love a piece of worthless trash like me. My soul died that night. I got up from the ground and left the party after promising myself that that was the last time I would ever shed a tear for a boy. Now, we meet again in Bernice. Though he hasn't seen me since the start of the session.
After Mary was done narrating her past with Luca, Sianna felt so bad for her and hugged her right while the sat on the bed.
"I'm sorry Mary. No one should ever have to go through that" Sianna said.
"You see, that's why I hate him so much and that feeling's never gonna change. I'm just glad I met someone who actually feels the same way I do about Luca" Mary said.
Mary's experience with Luca was unfortunate but I'm sure Luca regrets what he did to her and to every other person he had treated badly. As I said, the talk we had yesterday made me see a new Luca. Mary thinks I still hate Luca as much as she does but in reality...I think I am falling in love with him.