"Tell me something I don't know" Mary demanded with a smile on her face as she laid down face to face beside Sianna. Sianna saw this as an opportunity to tell Mary how she truly felt about Luca but she was too" scared to tell her. All that went through her mind was just to blurt out the truth to Mary but instead, she chose to say something else.

"I've never kissed anyone before" Sianna confessed which was actually true. She never had a boyfriend. It had just been her and her mum since her dad left.

"Are you serious?" Mary asked stunned.

"Yeah" Sianna replied and then she chuckled.

"Do you plan know, having your first kiss?" Mary asked concerned.

"I guess...I'm scared?" Sianna admitted.

"You really don't have to be Sianna. You just need to find the right guy. The one that makes you smile and laugh, the one that brings out a better version of you, the one that gives you butterflies... Sianna, have you not ever been in love?" Mary asked concerned.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies, words of Aristotle. Truth be told, I had never fallen in love before but with's kinda complicated. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he brings out a better version of me but as for the butterflies...not yet but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I wasn't sure whether he liked me that much so I didn't want to get my hopes high.

"No, I haven't" Sianna admitted.

"Sianna Morris, you lair!" Mary yelled as she hit Sianna jokingly and then they both laughed. Sianna's cell then began ringing and she picked it up. It was Angelica.

"Sianna, where are you? Your mum's here to see you" Angelica said.

"What?!" Sianna exclaimed. Sianna then quickly took a cab back to her hostel. She met her mother her sitting impatiently on her bed while Gabby and Angelica both sat on their respective beds nervous as they saw Sianna walk in.

"Mum, I can explain" Sianna said immediately as she sighted her mother on her bed.

"Where were you?" Sloane asked sternly.

"I was at a friend's..." Sianna answered but was cut short by her mother.

"You've not even stayed up to a year and you're already seeing boys!" Sloane said angrily as she stood up to meet Sianna.

"It was a girl mum, I just came back from my friend's house who is a girl!" Sianna stressed angrily.

"Watch your tone Sianna!" Sloane demanded angrily.

"No! all my life I've tried to be your perfect little shadow and I'm sick and tired of pretending! Deciding to go here instead to Harvard is the only decision I made on my own. You've been so busy trying to fold me into some teenage version of yourself, to-to fix me without realizing that you have a much bigger problem than I am. You deprived me of the only thing I wanted when dad left actual mother but instead you turned out to be some fucking over-controlling, manipulative, selfish, loser piece of shit!" Sianna confessed and immediately, Sloane gave her a slap on the cheek. Gabby and Angelica watched the drama that unfolded between mother and daughter.

"How dare you think so little of me?! If I didn't care about you I wouldn't have been here to see you" Sloane said with tears in her eyes.

"I should say the same mum because the first thing you did was to judge me like you always do. Now get out" Sianna demanded angrily.

"Sianna..." Angelica called out but she ignored her.

"Get out...mum" Sianna demanded and then Sloane left the room right after she bid Gabby and Angelica goodbye. Immediately after Sloane left, Sianna ran to her bed and buried her head in her pillow. She began crying and then Angelica and Gabby laid down beside her to console her.

"Sianna, don't cry" Gabby insisted but Sianna kept on crying.

"My mum is always like this. She never thinks anything good can come out from me whenever I make decisions on my own" Sianna said still crying.

"I understand and I promise you that you're gonna prove her wrong" Angelica said as she gently stroked Sianna's hair.

"This might be the wrong time to say this but, you got into Harvard?!" Gabby exclaimed and Sianna and Angelica chuckled.

"It's a long story" Sianna said as she wiped away her tears.

"The decision we make has a great impact on our lives and the people around us. To me, I think you made the right decision because you're a whole new Sianna. But never ever ever make such decisions again, you hear me?" Gabby stressed and they all laughed.

"Everyone deserves to be happy...even you Sianna and from what I have seen, it looks good on you" Angelica said with a smile and then she and Gabby left Sianna on her bed and went to theirs.

Believe me when I say it hurts me to talk to my mother that way. The tears in her eyes broke me to pieces but I was trying to prove my point, so whatever had to be done, had to be done.

Sianna got a text from Luca later that evening telling her that the reason they called him from the class was that his mother had just died. Sianna was very shocked to hear that and then he asked if she could come over because he really needed someone to talk to. Sianna felt it necessary to go since he had just lost his mother so she told her roommates that she would be back. She boarded a cab to Luca's. She got there and knocked on the door and he opened it. He looked very miserable so Sianna decided to hug him for the first time. They stayed in the living room sitting far apart from each other.

"How did she die?" Sianna asked.

"Cancer. Turns out that she had been battling it for a years now and I had no idea" Luca answered trying to hold back the tears in his eyes. Sianna noticed it and then stood up and sat by his side.

"You don't need to hide your pain Luca. You lost your mum there's no shame in crying. As for mum's not dead but I lost her years ago" Sianna said. Luca then laid his head on Sianna's lap.

"You'll be fine Luca" Sianna assured as she gently stroked Luca's hair. There was a moment of silence for a while until Luca broke it.

"You wanna get high?" Luca asked.

"High?" Sianna asked confused.

"We both had a bad day because of both our mums. So why don't we just forget about it by letting some air out" Luca suggested.

"I've never smoked before" Sianna said nervously.

"By just looking at you, I can tell there at many things you haven't done" Luca jeered as he stood up from the couch hand in hand with Sianna and took her to his room. He rolled up some weed and lit it up. Then he gave one to Sianna and they both began letting some puffs out.

"I thought you said you've never smoked before?" Luca asked surprised at Sianna ready started smoking.

"I'm a fast learner" Sianna smiled as the both of them got on the bed to relax. After a few puffs, Sianna had already gotten high.

"Tell me your deepest darkest secret" Sianna asked with a smile on her face as she and Luca laid face to face on his bed.

"I'll go first, don't tell anyone but I put back the empty Nutella jar in the freezer" Sianna said laughing sheepishly. She was already too high. Luca then had to seize the weed from her. She complained about it but he told her that it was for her own good.

"My turn" Luca said with a smile.

"My secret isn't dark at all but it's my deepest and it is that... I love you Sianna" Luca said nervously. This shocked Sianna but she was happy because she felt the same way.

"Then kiss me" Sianna said and immediately, Luca grabbed her gently and placed her right below him. He hung both her legs over his back and looked deep into Sianna's eyes to make sure it wasn't just the weed talking. When he was sure, he lowered himself to her lips and went for a kiss.