The girls had since gathered in Leslie and Mindy's room right after their usual Saturday morning drill. They sat in twos on one bed. Angelica hadn't arrived yet and when she finally came, they all discussed their separate lives since the death of Veronica. Suddenly, Leslie got a text from Veronica. She lifted her phone to check who it was. She was left shocked after seeing who it was. The girls were worried.

"What happened, who's that?" Sianna asked.

"It's Veronica" Leslie said and the girls were shocked.

"No way" Mindy said in disbelief as she grabbed Leslie's phone from her hands and read the message out loud.

"Gather the girls and meet me at Rockies at 2. Please, don't be scared" Mindy read.

"She's alive" Leslie said in amazement.

"She's alive!" Leslie exclaimed and it got everyone smiling. They all had turns in hugging each other as they celebrated Veronica's return.