According to Leo Buscaglia, the ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was, 'Did you bring joy?' The second was, 'Did you find joy? Answering the first with regard to Jesse's lifetime on earth, I'd say he brought joy to some people. Did he find joy? Yes, yes he did surely. Now to Veronica, she brought joy. There was literally no dull moment with her. But did she find joy?

Jesse was the fifth boy she dated since she got into BCC. I resumed late on so I didn't know all these. The first was Allen, second Chad, third Devin, fourth Tyrese, fifth Jesse, and last but not the least, Callum. They all broke her heart in similar ways but Callum's was one of the worst. It was inspired by one of her exes so why not? All she ever wanted was to be loved. She had been hurting from loving and trusting too easily.