One more year to go...

Crazy things happened in the past months after the passing of Veronica. Gabby graduated alongside Carly and we celebrated them by throwing a small send-off party at Rockies. Angelica was still mad at us then for keeping the whole Leslie-Daniel thing a secret from her but now we're all good, though Leslie and Daniel aren't a thing could say Leslie severing ties from Daniel did the trick.


Leslie knocked on the door of Daniel's lodging and then he opened it up.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting you" Daniel said with a smile. He was a bit surprised to see Leslie at his doorstep.

"I wanted to tell you this before the break" Leslie said in a sad tone and then she broke down in tears. "It's so hard to just say it like this after everything we've been through and I'm so sorry about this" Leslie continued.

"Les, tell me, what's the problem?" Daniel asked worriedly.