Cassian lived with Lyra taking care of her and hiding her from his people. Even his parents knew not of her existence. Garven who knew Cassian's secret came to confront him.

"Cassian, friend. We caught a Crescent female wolf, she was trespassing. Orion has given us the order to kill her" Garven lied. Cassian was afraid, he thought it could be Cersei; Lyra's sister. It was obvious that she would want to look for her sister since she hadn't returned for over a month.

"Do you know the name of this Crescent?" Cassian asked.

"Why should I know, we don't associate with the enemy. You of all people should know that" Garven retorted.

"Of course, I know Garven"

"No, you don't. If not you wouldn't grant shelter to that Crescent wolf" Garven claimed. His words put Cassian in shock.

"Rules are set here for us to follow and the one in power chooses to break the gravest of all" Garven continued.