Down in Idryssa's dungeon, she sat on the floor and rested her head on her knees. She did that for a while and then all of a sudden, she rose her head up and in that moment, her pupils turned white.

"The chosen alpha's coming" She declared.

Lucius was having a conversation with Klay when one of Klay's men- the one Aberdeen sent to relay his message, rushed in panting. He then knelt down before Lucius.

"He's coming!" He exclaimed. He was beaten so badly that his wounds took time to heal. Lucius stood up from his throne alarmed.

"Who is coming?" Lucius asked sternly.

"He is very powerful alpha Lucius. He killed a quarter of our men on his own" He answered nervously.

"Speak up warrior! Who is coming?!" Klay asked angrily.