"Your language please" Cameron said politely. "We don't use that here" He continued.

"What? You used curse words every single time back in high school" Delores said sternly.

"So you're from my old high school huh?" Cameron asked. "Let me guess, you're here to ask me for some money?" Cameron asked.

"No, why would you think that?" Delores asked. Then Cameron came out of his house and closed the doors so his parents wouldn't listen to his conversation.

"Everyone at my high school is a fucking gold digger. Since I became who I am today everyone has been trying to get one of two things from me. I mean, I'm a philanthropist by mouth but come on, I've had enough of these poverty-stricken idiots" Cameron said in anger.

"I thought you said you don't use curse words again" Delores said disgusted by the way he talked about his old classmates.

"Well guess what, I am a 29-year-old grown man who's still afraid of his fucking parents" Cameron said.