Nelson Mandela once said education was the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. This makes people who go to school look rad and the people who actually graduate without having killed themselves look like heroes and heroines. I'm not trying to falsify this statement but I'm just saying, you don't need to go to school to be educated because schools are not the only place you can get an education.

So many people of influence have proven that you don't need to go to school to be successful or to be someone beneficial to every damn living thing...

"Sianna you're going to college, period" Sianna's mum called out as she watched her lie on the couch staring into thin air. It was as if she was in a coma; unaware of her surrounding.

"Sianna…..Sianna!" her mum yelled as Sianna jerked back to reality. A reality that didn't concur with her daily imaginations.