Mrs Packard ordered Olivia to wait outside while she addressed Sianna.

"With all due respect Mrs Packard, I don't want to work under Olivia. I should look for some other job" Sianna said calmly.

"Sianna, this job suits you. If it wasn't for Olivia's diploma, you would have gotten the job. Give it a try. You can always quit if you don't find the job favourable" Mrs Packard said calmly.

"Okay, thank you" Sianna said and then she left her office. She met Olivia on the way and she walked past her.

"Sianna, why are you ignoring me?" Olivia asked.

"We are not friends, right?" Sianna said sternly as she came to a halt.

"I've never spoken to you before, so why do you hate me? Wait, wait, wait... Don't tell me it's because of the whole Veronica thing, may her soul rest in peace, amen?" Olivia asked with a grin.