Luca settled Sianna in. He gave her one of his hoodies to keep her warm. Then he made and a cup of coffee for her and then sat next to her on the couch after giving her the coffee.

"Thank you" Sianna said calmly as she received the cup of coffee from him.

"So...what were you doing around here?" Luca asked.

"My mum came around, she's staying here for a while before she goes back to New York" Sianna said.

"Cool, so you forgave her, right?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, something like that" Sianna said.

"She stays around here?" Luca asked.

"No, the taxi driver kinda mixed up the address and brought me here" Sianna explained.

"Oh, okay" Luca said and then they both went silent. You could only hear Sianna slurping her coffee so loudly.

"Hey, I'm sorry for the other day and the library... I would have chased after you but Olivia said I could make you lose your job, so..." Luca explained quite nervously.