The next morning during classes, Luca came in late. He apologised to the lecturer for his late coming and then he had his seat. He was shocked to see Spence sitting next to Sianna. They were having a little chatter while the lecturer taught. Spence made Sianna giggle a lot. Luca got jealous but he saved his feelings for when the class was over.

When the classes were over, Spence headed to where he had parked his car. He didn't get in yet, he was waiting for Sianna. While he waited, Luca came over to him.

"How I have been waiting for this" Spence said with a grin as he saw Luca coming over to him. When Luca got to him, he gave him a punch to the face. Then he held Spence against his car.

"I don't wanna see you anywhere near Sianna, you got that?" Luca warned.

"Just cause you're the chancellor's son doesn't mean I won't break your fucking nose" Spence threatened in anger. Then Luca let go of him.