
"There's no place like home!"

Ptf, a sick joke.

From where I come from, it is rephrased as "There's no Hell like home!" Yes, that's because the perfect world that can describe my new world is…Hell!

It took me very little time to write this book, but it actually took me a lot of time and effort to get it published. Hmm, that's because every publisher I give either ends up dead or mad.

I remember the first Publisher I gave told to come back three days later but when I got there, he was already dead. How he died, no one knew but I did. He killed himself.

The second I gave tried to hang himself…the rope tied to his manhood. That was because in my book, he read about the Prick Demon.

"Don't stop me! The Prick Monster will be here by sunset!" The man shouted. He was kicking and hitting the people holding him down as he shouted. "All of you will regret yourselves by sunset! Let me cut it off!!!"

He was later admitted into the Psychiatric hospital. He was locked in a completely empty and bare room so he wouldn't kill himself. Even the wall was made of a soft material just in case he tried to crush his own head…which he did try to.

But when they checked on him, they found him in the pool of his own blood. And his stick was also detached from his body…ripped off by his own hand.

Many more cases like that, even worst. Some died, some went crazy and there was even one that poisoned his family.

"It is better to die peacefully that to be killed by Demons!" He claimed before he also fell to the ground, lifeless.

Why am I telling you all these? That's because the book you're about to read now…is the same book all of them read!