I'm a Demon!!!

Huffing and panting, he ran and ran. He checked everywhere but no matter where he went, there was only one sight he could see – Destruction.

"No! No! No!" The boy screamed and shook his head so much the bones in his neck snapped but after shaking it for another hour nonstop, the bone snapped back t o its original position.

"No, it can't be. It can't be!" The boy held his head and continued to scream. He soon fell to the ground, but his screaming didn't stop.

His home, his family, his friends, his life; everything was gone.

"No! There has t o be … there has to be one. At least one person still breathing." The boy didn't give up as he forced himself up the ground and continued running around. But no matter where he went, it was the same gruesome sight he could see.

After running around for hours, it seemed luck was on his side, he saw someone that still looked to be alive.

Carrying up the rock that was five times his size, he saw somebody lying underneath. Her head was completely bashed in, part of her pink brain even spilling out. What's more, all of her limbs were gone and with her trying to move, she looked no different from an earthworm.

But it was clear this person was still alive because her eyes were still seen moving. Quickly the boy crouched and touched hr bashed in head.

"Don't worry. I'll help you. You'll live." The boy said with a hint of hope in his eyes. If he could at least save just one.

[Host found!]

[System will begin transmigration process immediately]

A screen suddenly popped in front of him as he was about to bring out his supplies.

"Uh?" The boy tried to swat away the floating screen in front of him but his hands only phased through like it was a hologram.

{Syncing process: 12%}

{Syncing process: 34%}

{Syncing process: 56%}

{Syncing process: 74%}

{Syncing process: 97%}

The boy watched as the numbers kept increasing from 0 to 97 and only broke out of it when he heard the person he was about to help let out a small squeak.

Although he was unable to make the screen go away, its transparency made him still able to see.

{Syncing process: 100%}

But as he was about to help her, a sudden feeling hit him and he became dizzy and soon his eyes rolled inside his head and he fell to the ground.

How long it took, no one knew but after a while, the boy once again stood up. But there was a clear difference between his former self and now.

The most noticeable thing was his blood red eyes that kept scanning everywhere with curiosity and confusion.

"Uh! Where is this? Shouldn't I be dead?" Eddie scratched the back of his head as he kept looking around him.

All of a sudden, a wave of nausea hit his gut and strange yet familiar memories filled his head. Memories of the body he now inhabited.

As it turned out, the name of the body he was occupying was Kenji. Kenji was a fourteen years old Demon. He was out playing in the field and came back only to see his small town in ruins.

"So this is what the system meant when it said Random Transmigration." Eddie thought. "Well, I guess it really isn't that bad. At least I get to live. Is there any better gift than life?"

As Eddie was about to move, his system notified him.

[A freshly dead demon is within five meters from you]

[Would you like to absorb Soul Essence?]

"Soul essence?" This was one of the few times Eddie had heard it.

[Soul essence would disappear within 10 seconds]

"Well, it wouldn't hurt trying it out. Yes!"

After picking the option, a miniature glowing creature like a ghost flew out of the nostrils of the dead creature in front of him.

The ghost swirled into his nostrils and he felt a strange feeling settle down inside his stomach. That was when he got the strange message.

[User has absorbed the Soul essence of a far greater existence]

[User has absorbed enough Manna from the Demon Realm]

[User has unlocked another system: The Demon System!]

"Another system?" Eddie was shocked to see this.

Was it even possible? Back on earth, everybody had a system, although different in a way.

The Systems were divided into four different categories: Elemental Systems, Dimensional Systems, White systems and Black Systems. The Elemental Systems included the Fire System, Ice System, and Earth System and so on. Eddie's Transmigration System belonged to the Dimensional System.

But it was said that a person could only possess a single system. Moreover, Eddie had never heard of a person possessing a Demon System.

He was still thinking about it when his system brought out another message.

{Error: System unable to initiate dual systemis}

[Transmigration System and Demon System will now merge into one]

[Congratulations! You have just The Transmigration Demon System]

[Will user like to see his stats?]

{Name: Eddie Gray > Kenji}

{Race: Human > Demon}

{Class: Unassigned}

. . .

[To level up, collect more essences]

"Uh, this is extremely weird." Eddie thought as he looked through his stats that had undergone a tremendous change.

"But then again, why has the system been mentioning Demon so much. Is it trying to remind me of my greatest foe?"

"Wait!" Eddie's eyes widened as he looked again at the Race Tab. "Is this a system cliché or am I dreaming?"

Eddie rubbed his eyes a thousand times but the word Demon wouldn't change. He looked around him and although he couldn't find any complete person as all he could see was different limbs scattered everywhere, they certainly didn't look human. There was also the woman in front of him, but Eddie needed more conviction.

He soon found a shiny object shaped like a shield. He had seen things like this back on earth. It was one of the leftovers after a demon attack.

But what Eddie really needed was its surface that worked perfectly as a mirror. He rested the shield on a wall and looked at his own appearance.

He was about eight meters tall with brown skin that looked like mud. He had two hands and teo legs –Thankfully, but counting his fingers and toes, they were six in number. He could feel something tight behind him and turning around, he was able to see the small brown tail sticking out from his behind.

But the weirdest part was his head which had a single large horn that glowed softly. His two eyes were very wide, his nose was tiny, almost unnoticeable if someone didn't stare at it and his lips were very wide. When he tried to smile, his sharp like teeth gleamed sharply.

Eddie had seen creatures like this many times. Although, it was only on the news and in magazines, he certainly recognized them. Demons!

"What! I'm a demon now?" Eddie felt like bursting into tears.

Earth was once a peaceful place until one day when these Demons suddenly attacked, for no reason in particular. Earth would have gone extint if not for the Rangers holding back the Demons. But although it wasn't said to the public, Eddie knew. Earth was losing the war and in a year or two, Earth might finally get defeated.

Of every world he could transmigrate to, why did it have to be here?

"Wait." A suddenly realization hit him.

Maybe, maybe this was it. A blessing in disguise. A chance to save earth.

Maybe he was transmigrated as a demon for a single purpose; to save earth. Humans have tried infiltrating the demon realm but it proved to be an impossible task. But with him now being a demon, wouldn't that be the perfect way to eat them down from the inside?

Thinking about all these, a smile appeared on Eddie's face. And with how wide his mouth was, they almost reached his long ears.

"I always knew you were special, Fey!"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *