Encounter With Another Demon

Eddie kept wandering, with nowhere in particular in mind. Yes he now had a goal, but how was he going to put it to play?

He placed his hands on his hip and looked up at the sky where two large Green moons were hanging.

Eddie had been wandering in this new world for several months now, and he still hadn't met a single demon. But even then, he had seen a lot on stranger things that made him wander if this Demon Realm was really in Earth's solar system.

Back on earth, Eddie was academically okay. Although hanging around Fey too much kind of dulled his brain a bit, but that didn't mean he didn't know the basics about his world.

Although having two moons wasn't the strangest thing since some planets even had more but the strange thing was the color. He had never seen or heard of a moon that was green. That wasn't even the strangest thing about this place. There was also the weird hierarchy of power between the creatures here. Although he hadn't come across a single demon, he had had encounter with many strange plants and their wild Erkos. If one were to bring them to human standard, then these Erkos would be animals.

Every time he comes across one, they either try to eat him or kill him. Unfortunately with Eddie's strength and skills, all of them ended up as lunch. Eddie would have thought they were beasts, since they acted just like beasts on earth, but through Kenji's memories, Eddie was sure the demon world also had their own set of beasts.

The night air was cold, as cold as the deepest part of the ocean. Eddie really doubted any human would be able to last up to a month in this place. With all he had experienced, it would be a great feat.

Although, a person with descent strength and skills would easily be able to deal with the erkos; the main problem was he atmosphere. The air in this world was acid. The poison in the air was enough to breakdown the human body system within minutes.

Coming to land, it was the same thing. With the red sand and black smoke always emitting from it, the ground looked like a giant hotplate.

The water in this place was what humans knew as Lava, except it was blue in color. At first Eddie was hesitant to drink it, but after almost dying from thirst. After drinking it, Eddie thought while caressing his neck. "Well, it really isn't that bad. But that was because of his demon body. A human's tongue would melt if a drop lands on it.

By this time, almost everything about his old life was gone, leaving only bits and pieces. Every bit of humanity in him was now gone, completely replaced by the wild nature of demons.

What do you expect? He had to feed on raw animals for a year, fight erkos nonstop, sleep on a boiling ground and had to drink lava to survive. And you expect him to remain the same?

Eddie was now sitting on the ground and was about to get some night sleep when he heard sounds coming from far away. Eddie quickly took out his saber, the same weapon he had been using for a year. It was one of the weapons he found in the ruined village. But as soon as the figures became clear, his eyes began to sparkle.

"Ha, finally." Never in his life did he ever think he would be so delighted to see a demon.

They were five in numbers, each riding a strange looking erko. If one was to describe these erkos in Eddie's perspective, they looked like rhinoceros with two tusks curling out from the side of their heads. They were completely black and had six giant webbed feet.

"Here!" Eddie jumped up and down in hope of being noticed. "Help!"

The demons that were laughing suddenly stopped. They all looked at Eddie and began to whisper to each other.

One of the got down from the erko and began to approach Eddie slowly, with his eyes filled with sympathy. At least, Eddie thought it to be sympathy until the guy too out a spear and threw it at Eddie at lightning speed.

"Uh!" Eddie didn't remain shocked for long as he tried to dodge but realized it would be too late. So he decided and parried the spear with the flat of his blade.

"Ahh!!!" Despite using all of his strength, Eddie still got pushed back. At last he managed to deflect the spear and let out a huge sigh.

He looked up at the demon. "Hey. What was that for?" Jason was still trying to reason with them, but it was a mistake.

"Uh, why are you still standing?" The demon was truly surprised as he looked at his spear stuck to the ground. "I see. Let's see what you've got."

He unsheathed a large sword and charged at Eddie. Eddie also let out a loud cry and charged the demon. But what he was within striking distance, the demon slashed but at the last second, Eddie pivoted around him and pointed his saber at the demon's neck.

"Uh! This one's got some skills. He managed to survive Malee's attack." One of the other demons mumbled.

The demon man Malee turned slowly with his hands raised.

"Now -." Eddie was about to say something when Malee grabbed the blade of his sword. Eddie had been using this weapon for a whole year and was well aware of how sharp the saber was. But now, the demon had his fingers curled around the blade, yet not a single mark was on his palms.

Eddie tried to pull away the saber but it wouldn't budge. After seeing as that wasn't working, he decided to push in hope of doing some damage to the demon but it only made the saber snap.

"What monstrous strength is this?" Eddie was still wondering when Malee grabbed his face and slammed his head on the ground before stepping on it several times. With his stump, Eddie felt his eyelids closing against his will and not long after, he lost consciousness.

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *