After some time, about 30 minutes later or so, outside of the hollow entrance then appeared the slim figure of Nagisa who was clearly rushing toward us, the usual coldness on her face had been replaced with somewhat of an intense expression, again, surprising me.
"Sister Ishbel, Mr. Ozwald, I must apologize for my incompetence!" As soon as she had reached our spot, she then shouted those words and proceeded to bow her body 90 degrees, just like a scene out of an anime.
"Why even feel the need to apologize to me? Brush it off."
"To have you call upon me directly to take responsibility for my own incompetence, that is worth ten apologies, ma'am!"
Having heard such sayings, Sister Chamiria immediately had this "Ugh... Cheesy." sentence written on her face "Still being dramatic as ever..." said the nun without even trying to hold back.
"You could say that, but you are one of the greatest of Huntresses, someone in a higher place whose importance surpassed most of our Cherubs. To have you waste your precious time calling me for such a trivial matter, that would not be considered as appropriate in any manner, ma'am."
Seeing Nagisa expressing her seriousness, Sister Chamiria then had her mouth half open, seemingly at a loss for words.
"You'll never let me forget my past, won't ya? Fine. You retrieve the baby angel and then go on about your business. I have some praying to do."
"Yes, ma'am. But we need Pastor Orobas to--"
As Nagisa was saying that, suddenly her face showed signs of pain, and she automatically raised her right elbow up, giving us a hint at what could possibly happen in the process.
Sister Chamiria when she saw Nagisa doing that, she quickly addressed the matter "What's wrong with it? Is it broken?"
"No, ma'am, it's not, but--"
"It's sprained."
Just a quick glance and she could immediately tell what kind of an injury was there, I bet that was faster than a nurse calculating our medical cost.
"Law enforcer Nagisa got her elbow sprained, I guess it would be snowing in the middle of this Summer."
"Sister, I--"
"Shh!" The nun then hushed the lady, and at the same time, grabbed her arm. I swore I can see Nagisa's shoulders jump but it did require the keenest of observation because the action only lasted for a spilt second long.
"You've come to the right place, law enforcer. Today I got you a special bargain, one healing session costs you nothing~" said the nun with a cheerful tone, as she was covering the lady's right elbow with her own hand. Then suddenly, some form of bright light appeared under her palm, bathing Nagisa's joint in white.
If I was not mistaken, I was pretty sure that the nun was using her power to heal her elbow.
Seconds after Sister Chamiria had been done doing her job, Nagisa then slowly tried lifting her own arm, seeing that the whole movement was pretty smooth, and her eyes no longer showed signs of pain, I guessed she had already been healed.
Holy... So the Hunters could also be healers...
"There. Feel better?"
Having been asked, Nagisa promptly nodded her head, answering the sister, and IF I wasn't seeing things, I thought I could clearly see a glimpse of bliss under her reaction.
"Good. Now, tell me what happened. You having an injury is not a common occurrence, that's--"
"Sister Ishbel, I'm in your debt!"
Before Sister Chamiria could finish her sentence, unexpectedly, Nagisa decided to interrupt her midway with her eyes lit up and also a serious-as-hell tone of voice--
"Oh, come on?! I said stop being dramatic! Are you still idolizing me?!"
"Always, ma'am!"
Minutes after that, I found myself listening to the two women exchanging words of appraisal and denial back and forth, one seemed to idolize the other so badly, while the other seemed to be in denial about all of the things she said, it was a fun conversation, I must say.
Also, it was then that I started to see the sister in a different light, she wasn't just trying to be rude to me, but she DID speak like that to all the others, be it Nagisa or the pastor, she actually treated everyone equally, although a bit un-nun-like
"Lady, stop! Whatever you came here for, go get it done! I have prayers to chant!"
"Yes, ma'am! Thank you for your time!"
How strange... for a nun.
How come someone like this chose to lead a religious life, one would ask themselves.
"Mr. Ozwald, I must apologize for keeping you waiting."
"A-- Oh, it's nothing. It's been-- uh... 20 minutes or so. It's nothing, really. No need to get worked up, haha..." When Nagisa eventually turned her attention to me (despite of me being the reason she came here), I could only wave my hand awkwardly as a way to tell her that I didn't really mind.
"I see. 20 minutes... Somehow I couldn't remember at which time did I fall asleep, but if that's the case, then thank you for informing me."
Uh... Actually, it could be an hour, I didn't really know. My sense of time also got f*cked because of some particular demon.
Also, pretty sure what had happened to her wasn't falling asleep, but she didn't seem to remember it...
Well, thinking about all of the things that had happened, I couldn't help but take a glance at Pastor Orobas, would it be right to call him the sole culprit of all, or instead, it was just me and my weird scent causing males like him to go batsh*t crazy?
"Nagisa, hello there~ I thought you'd be sleeping for long, so I took Adel Ozwald here before you, I'm so sorry~"
As I was paying attention to his greetings and his tone of voice, again, I had a feeling that his expression was 'too naturally' cheerful... it felt like a façade.
"Mr. Orobas..."
I hoped Nagisa would see the same thing as me, as she was staring into his eyes directly, but...
"Thank you for taking an action. We should not waste his time, by all means. Then... Shall we start the ritual?"
In reality, my hope just went down the drain, as the law enforcer didn't seem to get suspicious or even notice anything, she simply walked up to him, holding up her hand as a gesture that might be in place of the words "Please proceed."
"Well, Hunters do not like wasting their time, do they~" saying such words with a giggle, Pastor Orobas seemed to know it well that he himself could pass the test of innocence without a sweat.
As someone who just had his brain f*cked by him, I must say that I was not really pleased with such an outcome.
"Your Highness, are you ready to see your own weapon?"
I stared blankly at the demon who was holding out his hand in front of me, knowing that I have to place my hand on it, my body promptly got chills. Although if I wanted to go home early, I didn't really have any choice. So I reluctantly place my hand on his, feeling the strange lukewarm skin, thinking to myself 'Oh, so this is how a demon's body feels like...'
'Wanna feel more?' Suddenly, such a vulgar thought did ring up in my mind, causing me to start coughing.
"D-Did you just say anything, Pastor???"
I swore I, myself, wouldn't possess such a thought, but how come it came into my brain, that was the biggest of mystery?!
"Are you feeling unwell, Mr. Ozwald?"
Then, having received Nagisa's question, I wanted to tell her the truth with all my heart, but still...
"Ah... Hahaha... Not really, Nagisa. It's just... the AC. It's nothing."
But those golden eyes were gazing at me with a gleam, surely the demon had already had a plan in his mind in case I decided to become a loose-tongued person for a day!
"If lobster boy is too cold, then I can increase the temperature." And not too far from where the three of us were standing, Sister Chamiria who had happened to hear our conversation suddenly showed her thoughtful side. As I turned to her, I also felt the urge to tell her 'No, ma'am, the problem is not the AC!', although sadly, I had to keep the words deep deep down anyway, that cold aura radiating from Pastor Orobas' jovial face was menacing as heck!
"Noo, Chamiria, please refrain from doing so! We both are trying to focus and the sudden change in temperature could affect the vision!"
"Fine. Then don't talk so much, I, too, am trying to focus on my prayers."
Not gonna lie, that moment was the rawest interaction between a nun and a priest one could ever imagine, it almost made me choke.
Then all of a sudden, my eyes darted back to Pastor Orobas super fast, as he started to grip my hand with unusual strength, it hurt.
"Stay still and focus, Your Highness! The vision is forming!" Huh?
Hearing him say that, I could only blink rapidly, some questions concerning the word 'Vision' started bubbling up, but somehow I knew they had all come too late.
"This is going to be a dizzy trip for you! Stay with me and don't run off, no matter what you see!"
As soon as the word 'What' came out of my mouth, the whole world in my sight then got dyed in pitch black without warning.
The sounds, they also abruptly disappeared.
The air, it felt so thin, it wouldn't be enough for breathing.
At that moment, I felt like lifting up my own hands to touch my own neck, but then... I found out that they weren't there any longer, both my hands and my neck.