Forgotten past, stranded memories

In an unknown location, at an unknown time of the day, the soil could not be made out at all, the sky was covered in thick dark clouds, making it impossible to know whether it was the day or the night.

Kneeling on the ground and staring emptily at the sky, a man whose features could not be made out at all seemed pensive, tears rolled down his face, what had he done? Why had he done it? What was the point of it? He knew the answer to only two of these questions.

He had massacred so many that their blood had covered the whole battlefield, so much blood had been shed that the ground was unable to absorb it and a large puddle reaching up to the ankles of most was covering the area, their bodies formed small hills and their dismembered limbs had sunk into the blood, out of sight.

Mages, knights, warriors, battlemages, spellblades, beastmasters, assassins, archers, crossbowmen, pugilists, priests, clerics, necromancers, paladins, warlocks, summoners all had fallen before him, before his halberd, before his might, even all together they had stood no chance, the man was only slightly hurt, it had been easy to kill them all, he hadn't put much thought and effort into it, he had killed recognised masters in their disciplines without batting a eye, he was covered in their blood, to the point none could recognise him, all but one.

The turned to the person that had suddenly appeared a bit behind him, the answer to the why he had done all of this, he had followed that person guidance and this is where it had lead him, to killing people he had never met.

The person clapped with elegance and cheers, the sounds of the two palms striking one another dampened by the black gloves worn by the person, this sound, which had always come after the man had accomplished something great and had always brought a certain sense of joy, utterly horrified him in this instant.

"You did spectacularly sir, you were able to take them all out without any issue, you truly are without equals as a fighter, your might has reached a tremendous height" spoke the woman dressed in a maid outfit, a soft smile on her face accompanied with empty eyes.

"Just like your predecessors, you have become the best in your field, sir" she added afterward as she walked up to the kneeling man.

Soon she stood right in front of him, looking down upon him with her deep purple eyes.

"However, it seems that something is of troubling matter to you sir, are perhaps disatisfied with hiw your fight went?" she asked, the man looked up to the woman who had accompanied him for all his life, the one who had made him into the fighter he was now, despite his unquestionable strength, he looked in fear at her, she had pushed him and dedicated all of her actions to nurturing him to be the best, she was the one who had plotted this fight to happen, only after slaughtering all of them did the man realise that he was nothing short of a monster.

However, if he was a monster, what was she?

"Do not worry sir, you have done nothing wrong, you simply accomplished your fate, there is nothing wrong with being yourself, it was a honorable fight that they all choose to fight until the end despite having the option to run away" she spoke, he almost agreed before realising that this was a lie, there was no way these people would have acted like that, not all of them, she had gathered them here, she had kept them from running, it was certain.

"Sir, there is no need to overthink all of this, whatever the cirumstances may be, one always has a way out, I can guarantee that" her calm and collected words, always sounded like the truth to the man's ears, he had to battle his mind to not simply accept her words.

"Whatever happens sir, you shall remain who you are, the mightest warrior in this world, you shall be so until you die, if you truly believe that you did wrong then you shall work to find a way to fix that and if there is no way to do that, then simply forget about it, you may not apologise to them in any way, your attacks cleaved their souls and mind, they were erased, they shall see no afterlife" he could hear that she was contradicting herself with her words but he somehow understood what she was getting at.

'Try it and if you cannot succeed, then move on' it was such a horrible thing to say after what he had done.

"You are done sir, your own destiny is accomplished, retire to the family home, find someone to love, have children and do what you have to do, whether it is repenting or simply moving on, I shall advise you whatever you do, I no longer have to guide you the way of fighting" she said offering her hand to him.

The man stared at the hand in front of him, he knew this was the hand of a monster, he should't grab it, he should stand up and face her but he too, was a monster, he grabbed her hand and she helped him stand up.

A book appeared out of thin air and the both of them disappeared from the blood filled battlefield.


A young girl was training on dummies, jumping around erratically but with some grace still, a little bit at least, her slightly dark hair appeared as almost red when traversed by sunlight, her blue eyes shined for a moment as she plunged her extended hand through a dummy's chest, it seemed as if the dummy has been stabbed with a sharp blade.

The young girl stopped and catched her breath, she soon heard the sound of hands clapping, the sound produced was dampened by the dark leather gloves worn by the person.

"Magnificient miss, you surpassed mt expectations by a large margin, you are set to be a powerful fighter" he praised her, she puffed her chest with pride despite the fact that she was his master.

"Which element do you wish to practice today miss?" asked the butler and the young woman immdiately answered.

"Earth! I have yet to get the afinity for this element" she said, Polemi's training had only started for about a month and Kathikon hadn't expected her to perform so well so fast.