
"One thing to always is remember is that nothing should be ruled out when fighting" spoke the butler while standing as straight as an I.

"It doesn't matter if something is viewed as blaphemous, heretical or as dirty, in a real fight no rules exists, which is why martial artists tends to have shortcomings, they practice in an environment where both opponents follow the same rules, certain things are banned and they have an objective that differs from an actual fight, some search to make their adversary fall for example, one who has always fought with this sort of rules may very well be defeated by a common punk but not only because the punk as no rules, most of the times they simply aren't trained to endure the pressure of a fight were the opponent could just pull a knife and shank you or call some friends" spoke Kathikon, Polemi listened closely to his words.

"The essence of fighting is surviving, you win as long as you can still fight, it doesn't matter whether or not if the opponent is still alive by the end of it, all that matters is living through it without any debilitating injuries, which is why, if you have the occasion of defeating an opponent without even starting a fight is best, simply poison their cup and be done with it" he said.

"We'll see that later though, for now, we shall see how even the weakest and least offensive magic spell can be used in a fight, you certainly noticed it but despite some spells being named, such things are rarely recognised by the system, the magic skills is all that is shown and given levels, when someone has a spell as a skill, it is more than common for it to have come from a scroll or such, perhaps a class or job, the issue with those is that the strength and timing of it is much harder to control than with a spell made without" the fact that he seemingly never paused while speaking was certainly eerie but it had become a regular sight for the miss.

"Also, you'll quickly notice that many people have the tendency to yell out what they are going to do, it's sort of like people that chant despite their spell not being an incantation, it helps them visualise better to vocalise it, never do that, if you do say something that had nothing to do with what you are doing or just insult your opponent, it might not seem like it but when in a nerve wracking fight even the best could be a bit distracted at being cursed at" continued the butler.

"So, as I was saying, importance of spells that lack an offensive factor but are useful nonetheless in a fight, any ideas miss?" asked the servant.

"Smoke screens and barriers" she responded.

"Smoke screens because visibility is very important and a spell that makes some also has the advantage of blurring the user's own mana signature and barriers because if your good enough you can crush people and even make them appear inside people if they are weak enough" she said.

"Indeed, well thought of, barriers indeed have more usages than simply shielding the user, they can also intercept explosive spells by surrounding them in a bubble and negate any destruction" added the butler as he made his book appear.

"There are also all of the illusion spells that can prove useful, while some can be offensive, most are technically harmless, simply telling your opponent that you can do illusions, you could make them hesitate to believe their own senses but the best way is to have them notice that there is an illusion by themselves instead of saying it yourself, either they die due to the illlusion or they survive and now are doubting" uttered Kathikon.

Only a few months remained until the miss turned fifteen and would have to join the academy that definitely made no sense, even after researching it far and wide, Kathikon couldn't say what were the profiles they were looking for, what was the point of it or anything really, it seemed more like it was just an excuse to put all of the important children, be it because they had a nifty ability, a special origin or because they were the children of important figures, it seemed like it was just a place to monitor them.

He had managed to get his hands on a list of the people that were joining and had noticed that not even all of them were of the required age, it really was all bullshit, this place was just a bunch of pretty buildings were people wore uniforms and that was pretty much it, they called themselves an academy but zero of the classes needed to be attended but the miss would have to attend as she needed to make a reputation of a hard workre even if it was meaningless.

Kathikon had trained her to the most of the most of what was possible, people would probably say that this was abuse if they knew but nobody did apart from himself and the miss, for Kathikon being able to kill a wolf with your bare hands was the least of the least in terms of fighting trainings, which was why this was what he considered to be among the easiest exercises he had prepared and indeed it was, miss Polemi bit its nape and took a chunk out of it, killing it instantly and in less than ten second.

And she had done that with her stats locked, truly a champion she was, some adults get killed by those, she had progressed a great deal in that year, apart from all of the fighting training, Kathikon also made sure to train her into leadership and making her think on how to win certain battles with a crappy army to have her learn how to use the environment in warfare.

She was to be the senechal after all and this was what a senechal mainly did, lead armies to battle.

He also made sure to have her learn about a variety of things, she wouldn't exactly need such knowledge but knowing more things could never hurt, she had already learned the etiquette of nobility in her younger years so that part was covered already.

A few more months passed and the time was close-by for yet another party and this one was to be even bigger than the previous ones.