Lesson by a passionate

"This place looks like it's trying to imitate another academy but fails at doing so" said Polemi as she looked at the academy, a strange thing to say but a spot on remark still.

"How long am I supposed to stay here again?" she then asked her butler who was as always, not looking like he was breathing at all.

"Three years miss" answered Kathikon with his hands behind his back.

"It's going to be a mess isn't it?" she said, it wasn't really a question as the answer was clear.

"It is most probable" answered the servant nonetheless.

'At least the uniform is not horrendous' she thought to herself, it had a bizarre color panel of cyan and lime but it somehow managed to work, it probaby was so bad that it had looped around and become pretty.

Despite looking like a schoolgirl with bad tastes right now, Polemi had still kept a sword and a dagger on her person, just in case, you never know when those could get useful.

"Kathikon, what is my first class today?" she asked and the butler pulled out a paper from his right sleeve, it clearly couldn't have fitted in there but now was not the time to question his magician tendencies.

"Study of monsters, undeads specifically, going over the most prominent individuals" he responded.

"How in the floors of hell can they extend that for four hours?" she wondered out loud, stretching one lesson on such a precise topic for so long was certainly not an optimal use of time.

Arriving in advance, she just sat at the first seat that was within reach and waited as Kathikon sunk into some shadows, servants were allowed to accompany their masters but he just did whatever and Polemi wasn't going to object as that was pretty cool.

After waiting for a while, all the students had arrived and Kathikon had been right, they were definetely a weird bunch when put together, bunch Polemi was now a part of, unfortunately, they weren't only children of aristocrats around, Polemi was the daughter of aristocrats and she could tell at a glance that some of them were poor, just a rich person perk.

Some of them recognised her since Kathikon had had her do some some stuff to gain some popularity but receiving attentions from these randoms wasn't exactly great, all of those who clearly showed that they knew her were the ones who had no ties to anyone important but having people like her for her feats was still a good sign.

The teacher soon arrived and before even presenting himself or anything, he immediately started going on and about and today's subject, making Polemi thinks that he wasn't an actual teacher and just a guy with the necessary knowledge.

"So, you see, there are quite a few undead figures throughout history, some still in action to this day but the most curious of all are the ones that seem to be images of undeads from other worlds, through the questionnement of necromancers..." he started.

'So through torture' thought bothPolemi and Kathikon.

"...We have learned that they all seem to have knowledge of otherwordly undeads, it is unknown what is the reason why these particulars undeads are able to transcend worlds but it is believed that it due to their achievement, similarly to great heroes of our world, they can appear under the form of apparitions and should technically be able to invade our worlds but that is only according to a few researchers, so I shouldn't be telling you that, anyways, the most interesting of them all is said to be the main actor of the great achievement and goes by many titles, no necromancers seem to use the same appellation for him..." he went on and on.

'Apparitions are rare, shoudn't we start with undeads that roam our worlds all of the time, is there a particular reason he is talking about that?' she thought, nothing showed on her face though.

"...His renown is apparently due to the fact that he is the only undead to have ever managed to truly achieve the undeads goal, some call him a pure..." this continued for the whole length of the four hours, the fact that he was able to talk about this for so long without repeating himself was beyond impressive.

"Hey, you're Polemi Gandefer right?" asked a girl with curly blonde hair after the class ended.

"Yes?" she responded, not recognising the girl as anyone from nobility, meaning that she probably was one of those enrolled in the academy because of something special about them.

"I am Bellus, you don't know me but you saved my village some time ago!" she said with a bright smile.

'What are the odds?!' thought Polemi with a caveman-like expression.

'Unlikely' thought the still hidden butler, a strange shape appearing for a moment but quickly disappearing.

Polemi got up and offered the girl a handshake to be polite and it was then that Bellus noticed how tall she was, the blonde girl's head only reached to a bit below her upper chest, she took her hand felt like she was a small child holding an adult's hand, Bellus wasn't that small, she wasn't a dwarf or halfling but right now she sure felt like one.

Her whole body shook as Polemi shook her hand.

"So, what are you doing in this academy Bellus?" asked Polemi as she kept shaking the poor girl.

"I-I discovered that I had an aptitude in healing magic and a skill related to it, so now I am here to learn more about it" she said with difficulty after Polemi finally let go of her.

"I see, well then, since we are in the same group, lets go together to the next lesson" said Polemi, as of now that Bellus seemed easy to befriend.

"Hum, okay but right now its time for lunch" responded the blonde, feeling a bit nauseous after the brutal handshaking session.

"Ah yes, Kathikon! Take out the lunch" ordered Polemi to seemingly no one but a second after the least alive-looking person Bellus had ever seen popped out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of her.

She was starting to think that thanking Polemi had been a horrible choice.