
A dark room, the only source of light was a candle on a nightstand, in the bed, the shape of one person could be distinguished, their expression was unknown as their faces weren't illuminate, only darkness covered them, kneeling next to the bed, was a young man, breathing heavily and crying to no end.

Footsteps were heard and from an unlit part of the room, a man dressed like a butler appeared, his hair were long and he had long dark beard, his purple eyes seemed to shine in the darkness.

"There is no need to feel guilty sir" spoke the man as he looked at person in the bed, to him the scene appeared as clear as day, a man was laying in bed, his white clothes drenched in his own blood, his face contorted in pain and incomprehension.

The young man raised his head, his face still covered in tears and he looked at his butler, his servant offered him a tissue which he took without thinking.

"He was getting in the way of your business, your affilliation with him, no matter how strong is less important that your success, if you progress further, you won't have to be the one to bring the blade down, you will be able to eliminate your enemies without looking at them, at this point they won't be people to you" spoke the butler.

"You will be the best of your time sir" said the butler before summoning a book and putting a hand on his master's shoulder, they both disappeared from the scene of the crime.

-Stranded memory.


Kathikon watched over his master for the rest of the day as she dragged that Bellus girl around, he had observed that blonde girl with utmost attention, looking at her every movement and examined her mannerism, a person's mannerism said a lot about them and whether or not their mannerism matched with what they said and showed also said a lot.

The blonde girl seemed to be the typical type of being nice just for being nice, probably because she was told this was what being polite was and she didn't seem to a threat in any way, it didn't look like she would be a source of problems either, apart from the fact that she was country bumpkin and thus a peasant, which could possibly cause her to be bullied by some of the rich brats, it was all, this sort of issue couldn't be a problem for the miss as such the butler had no issue with the healer girl, for now.

At the moment, he was simply standing not too far from his master as she studied while sitting on a bench with Bellus when someone approached him.

"Vardia? Is that you?" asked an old looking man, his back hunched over a bit and his face full of wrinkles and his hair white for what was left.

Seeing who it was, Kathikon respectfully bowed and greeted him.

"Headmaster Moriq, pleased to be making your acquaintance, I am Kathikon, Vardia was my father" he eloquently spoke.

"Aaah, I didn't know he had a son, you look just like him! It had been a whil since I heard of him, how is he doing?" asked the headmaster.

"Unfortunately, he died" answered Kathikon without any emotion.

"Oh... When did it happen?" asked Moriq looking quite surprised by the announcement.

"About fifteen years ago sir" simply answered the butler, making sure not to lose the sight of his master.

"I see, that is regrettable" said the old man before going on his way.

'How strange, they look extremely similar and also...' the old man felt unconfortable as he thought of the reasons that had made him feel so strange with this Kathikon.

'When did Vardia meet a woman?' was one the old man was particularly thoughtful about, after all, why would his friend not tell him about that? He might have been a bit reclusive and dead set to the point of ignoring his surroundings but he certainly would have told him about it.

Once the old man would think about the other reasons and dig up some of his memories, he would certainly think that the strangeness of this man had been warranted.

Kathikon paid a bit of attention the headmaster as he left, narrowing his eyes for a moment before putting once more all of his attention toward his master.

As expected, she wasn't having any issue socialising with someone her age, she may be a bit gruff and brutal in her ways of doing that but Kathikon that letting her having this sort of quirks were better for the goal she pursued.

He suddenly crushed a fly that flew next to him, looked at its corpse in his hand and then looked to the side before closing his hand, the fly's corpse disappeared from his hand.

'The security here is dogshit' he thought, a sense of slight joy made its way inside of him, truly this place was more than meet the eye, at least in what he had personally thought of it, had anyone else seen his thought process, they would have thought that he was totally insane but on the contrary, no one was as sane as he was.

He proceeded to watch over the miss until, night fell and she went to her dormitory, courtesy of the academy, each students had their own rooms, it would be able to convert itself into a hotel when it would inevitably close down.

When that time arrive and miss Polemi went to sleep, Kathikon casted a spell around her room and moved toward a clear position outside of the academy, ending up into the nearby city, which was the capital actually but it wasn't very important as this country changed capital regularly.

He walked into a dark alleyway, home to common thugs and trash, most of the time, both.

Kathikon walked through it, clearly looking like he knew the way to wherever he was going and yet all the thug found to say when approaching him was:

"Are ya lost?" clearly he had no sense of observation or only had one line to get his victims attention, whatever it was, the butler didn't allow anyone to slow him down even for a second and the thug on push to the side, smashing into the wall head on.

His body took on a dark color and turned fully liquid, leaving no trace of his existence.

Meanwhile, the butler continued to walked down in the dark alleyway, heading toward the hideout of unlucky fellows.