
"..." Kathikon stared in silence as the aftermath of the little event he had organised and he had to say, this was disappointing, they had performed even worse than he had expected, a surprise and not a welcomed one.

While they had been horrible at their job, at least the miss had handled the situation without issue, perhaps the backbreaker on the last one was a bit of an overkill but everyone who had seen it would remember that maneuver, a beautiful scene it truly was,.

After that, 'attack' on the academy, the bodies were disposed of and the headmaster said that he would take special measures, which probably was just saying that he would be taking special measures and then not do anything until everyone forgot about this small incident.

The days went on as usual, miss Polemi attended mostly meaningless lessons for most of the day and when she was not in class, she would socialise with Bellus, whom she took everywhere with her, as if she was a small pet that couldn't be left without surveillance.

Kathikon was always close-by, standing like a statue and watching over the every movements of his master, however, a few weeks after the little attack he had orchestrated, much like before, someone spoke to him.

And just like before, it was Moriq, the headmaster of this academy, he had used to be someone with great ambitions for this place but much like anyone else working in this place, he had been swallowed whole by the academy's inability to get better or get any clear meaning, now he was more akin to a ghost who wonders the halls of the academy.

The both of them were by themselves on one of the roofs of the academy, the architecture of this place certainly was strange when compared to everything else that was done, this was because it was buildt by one of these otherworlders, back when this world was still strongly linked to other worlds and when otherworlders weren't quite uncommon, now none could appear anymore and all that was left were few stories and remnants of the ideas they tried to integrate without success, this might be why this place made no sense, because just like many of these otherworlders, the one who had designed this place was just unfit to have any responsibilities and had no real skills in anything.

"Kathikon, that's your name right?" asked the old man.

"Indeed" responded the butler, he could feel that the headmaster had not come here to do small talk.

"What is the matter sir?" asked the servant, turning his body to face the old man, an unusual action for him, to turn his back on his master.

The old man stared at Kathikon in silence for a short while, a serious look clearly visible on his wrinkled face.

"What are you?" he then asked.

"I beg your pardon sir?" responded the butler, his expression unchanging.

"I did some researches on you and your most recent ancestors, when you talked to me about Vardia, I could already feel like some details made no sense or were simply suspicious" talked the headmaster, for the first time in a long while, he looked truly alive in this instant.

"I clearly remember Vardia saying words similar to yours, he had told me that his mother had died fifteen years ago when I had questionned him about his family, it seems that the only parent mentioned by both of you died aroud the same time your masters had been born, a bit strange, I would say" spoke the old man, his words didn't get any reaction out of the servant in front of him.

"In fact, when I started digging a little I found out that none of your ancestors had had any relationships that could have ended up in the birth of any child, none of you have clear birth dates either" he continued exposing the reasons of his suspicions.

"Among strange coincidences, there is also the fact that their is always only one heir to the Gandefer family and also only one of your own lineage and the Gandefer well known success at every single generation is also suspicious when you take everything into account, I believe that this all has to do with their butler and maid that is there to always help them" spoke the old man before falling silent again, both of the men on the roof stared at each other and an amicable smile appeared on Kathikon's face.

"Mister Moriq, you must truly be bored to bother digging up information on a butler" started speaking Kathikon.

"You are also stupid" he said as something unclear happened, it was as if something had changed in the world around the both of them.

"Why would choose this isolated place to tell me about your discoveries and why tell me about it anyways?" he then uttered.

"What is it that you aim to accomplish?" asked the butler, a book had appeared beside him and was simply floating but the headmaster had a bad feeling about this book.

"I have nothing better to do with my life than be the headmaster of this place, so why not go out with some style? Also, I would like to know the truth about Vardia" answered the old man.

"..." the butler didn't answer immediately.

"Oh, you want to know? You want knowledge? You wish for the unfiltered truth, the real truth?" questionned the servant as he took a step forward.

"Very well then, you are not the first one to ask for it and we are always happy to oblige, who knows? Maybe it will go fine this one time" he didn't let Moriq answer anything and spouted words that the old man didn't understand before he grabbed the headmasters face with his hand.

The same thing that had occured with the few basement thugs happened to the old man, he screamed but not for the same reason as them, his screams could have covered the whole academy but none made it further than a few meters, no one could hear him.

Kathikon let go of his face and the old man crumbled to his knees holding his head as he breathed erratically.

"Here you go, I gave you all the truth about what you asked, I simply showed you a bit of my memories and yet, you can not handle it" spoke the butler.

The old man looked up at Kathikon, his skin pale and his eyes losing their glint and he was only able to utter a single word approximately.

"Y-Y-yo-u?" he spoke in a low tone before falling down, all life had left his body.