Going as it always did

The headmaster disappeared, searches were made, nothing was found and everything was slowly forgotten, a new person was selected to take his post and it was as if nothing had ever changed, miss Polemi continued with her life under the watchful gaze of her servant, many times, she was faced with challenges that seemed to be happening simply to bad luck, she overcame them all.

The years slowly passed to some, to other they went by too fast and a few simply didn't care about how many years it had been.

The miss soon graduated from the useless academy, she had visibly grown older but her butler always stayed the same but she didn't pay any mind to it and others simply didn't care about a servant.

As had been expected by Kathikon, she was granted the rank of senechal without any test on the part of the crown but the butler knew that she was more than fitting for this position, he had made her learn the skills he had devised using his book and taught all she needed to know and even beyond.

Whether or not she was the best she could be was still uncertain but the butler would soon test his master to see if he suceeded in making her the best of the best, never had a Gandefer failed to do so ever since the first one of them to receive a nobility title.

It had been a long time since then, no one today knew of how he had managed to do so and no one knew where the butler that had helped achieve this had come from, Kathikon knew very well where he had come from and how the ancestor of the Gandefer had managed to rise to the very top.

Such things held no secret for him.

The butler continued watching over his master as she worked her hardest to managed the troops of this country, squelching skirmishes and rebellions with efficiency, normally these kind of things wouldn't be happening quite as much at all, a senechal wouldn't have to deal with so many things at once but she managed to do so and even managed to raise the level of the army as a whole.

The butler smiled warmly upon witnessing all of this, it was time to truly test how good she was.

Nobody knew of the butler's doing but if one was to know, they would certainly wonder how he could make all of this happen while always staying close to his master, it was possible to reason many things but what he caused on that day should have been utterly out of his reach.

There simply was no way a human butler could have caused such a wide conflict, it simply was not possible and yet, it was all because of him.

Perhaps saying that it was 'him' who had caused it wasn't exactly the truth but it certainly was a fully correct statement.

In the span of just a week, war had started raging in all of the surroudings country, the miss would have to lead armies to an actual war and fight to defend her country, her idea of creating a very specialised regiment made of healers with Bellus truly showed its worth, they were able to lose much less soldiers due to wounds or infections.

The war only went on for about a year, the intensity of the fights and the almost constant state of combat had quickly exhausted the armies and when they could no longer fight, the involved countries quickly asked for an armistice with the country that still stood strong, the one with the butler's master as senechal.

The leaders of this country felt as if they had woken up from a stupor, it was as if they had been possessed or influenced by the harbringer of war up until now, they felt like they had forgotten something but whenever they tried to remember, they would only remember fear.

Great spoils of war were given to the victors of this nonsensical war and the senechal was acclaimed for her marvelous management of it all.

Kathikon was content with how it had gone, she had truly handled it well, even in the butler's expectations the aftermath wouldn't have been so great, this country was set to become the strongest and most influent in the surroundings.

Now, he would simply stay by his master side until the next heir to the Gandefer family would be born and then, the next butler would take on and as always, make that heir into the best at something

Or so he thought, suddenly, the world around was only darkness, he recognised that place, light shone inside the dark room and he found himself in the usual room, an empty large room with a single window, only an empty chair stood in the middle of it.

He looked at the window for a moment before turning around, this part of the room was still dark despite the light, an unusual shape could be made out in the darkness, a gigantic creature with no real order to its form, the only order found within its appearance was the contant chaos of it.

Of course, the butler wasn't surprised or shocked by this sight, he tool a few step forward toward it without fear.

Why would he be scared after all? If he was it would be absolutely ridiculous.

Their was no need to be afraid of one's own reflection.

He spoke a few words to his butler self and Kathikon realised that it was finally done.

"Then, it is time to inform the others!" spoke the butler and the other him agreed.

The butler found himself back to where he originally was, he approached his always close-by master.

"Miss, it would seem that my mission is done" he said.

"You did spectacularly miss, you were able to manage all of the armies at once and win the war without any issue, you truly are without equals as a tactician, your capabilities have reached tremendous heights" spoke Kathikon, a soft smile on his face with his usually empty eyes.

"Just like your predecessors, you have become the best in your field miss."

"Well, it's all thanks to you really" responded his master.

"I never would have been able to do all of this without your training" she added afterwards.