Pick Your Poison

"That is true, High Priest Salmix, however, it is true, is it not? I've managed to learn what conspired within these walls when I was too young to realize the things that happened around me. While I probably don't have a perfect picture, what I said isn't too far from the truth correct?"

"That is false, child," Taz growled but didn't blow a casket, "While Vala Alderman was a High Priestess, she abused her powers to keep the Kaiser away from the world, coveting thei-your unique abilities for her own.

"She neglected her duties as a Priestess of the Lailan Council, which ultimately resulted in the extinction of 127 species over the last 2 decades."

"While I do not doubt the Council's judgment on the matter," Cain began his counter, "In Maternal Law, does it not say 'if there are birth complications, a member may spend the time necessary in order to resolve those complications?'

"Can you prove whether she didn't have birth complications? I'd assume not High Priest Taz since you are not my father. And even if she truly lied about the complications, are the special circumstances surrounding her child, me, not a good enough reason under Circumstantial Law 37?"

Taz growled, starting to lose his cool after being hit with hard facts. While Vala did abuse her powers a bit, it really wasn't enough to get her kicked out. They only used that as a pretense to keep her from 'corrupting' their Blessed Child.

She did truly have birth complications. Maybe not enough to warrant 5 extra years away from her duties but she didn't lie. As for the Laws that Cain mentioned, he made sure to study up on the teachings of the Lailan Council, wanting to use all he could to his advantage.

Maternal Law was all about the female and some androgynous species which allowed them a period of leave to give birth. If there were birth complications, they could ask for an extended leave and that was what Vala 'abused.'

As for Circumstantial Law 37, it was one of hundreds of Circumstantial Laws that dealt with unknown and complicated circumstances. With Law 37 being about catastrophic events and sacrificial members of the Council in order to "save the world" essentially.

It was basically the legend of the "Child of All" like himself but put in fancy political terms. He was technically a member of the Council after all so he was eligible for this, as well as his mother at the time.

*clack**clack**clack* "To think after all we *clack* did for you, you still turn to that *clack**clack* traitorous mother of yours." Kelsti scowled the best a Mantisman could.

"I concur," Bastion continued, looking at Cain with contempt, "After raising you into the man you are today, you repay us by leaving for a woman who left you behind and is responsible for the deaths of millions?"

"Don't give me that bullshit, High Priest," Cain sarcastically said, earning even deeper frowns, "I know full well that my mother was taken from me, by you people. She is not responsible for those deaths she is only responsible for me, her son.

"She would need to be a Goddess in order to be responsible for those deaths. It should not be her job, nor mine to save the world because the world was caught with its pants down when the Mana Strike hit. A Mythical child shouldn't need to save your asses and I am appalled by what this Council has become.

"Have you not noticed the decline in new and current female Council members? Or citizens immigrating to other countries after my mother was forced out of the Capital? No. Because you are too busy fattening me up like livestock."

Cain let go of most of the politeness and respect he had for the men before him. Just like his mother, he wasn't about to take shit from a bunch of high and mighty men who can't put themselves in other people's shoes.

"Disrespecting the High Council and accusations of unjust demotion of a fellow High Council member? Are you courting death?" Taz growled and the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

"Maybe," Cain laughed evilly, "But aren't you all too? Keeping me, the 'Blessed Child' locked up in the Carven Empire. Don't you think it's a bit presumptuous to think I would be completely safe here? Aren't you worried about pirates or other countries like the Sorvent Empire who we are at war with?

"If even some of the beastmen clans wanted to, they could probably storm Carvfall easily and steal me away. The more you chain me here, the harder it is for other races to meet me. Are you willing to make an enemy out of the world?"

"While your ssssafety isssss not guaranteed, the Lailan Councccccil will make sssssure the Salk'mah isssss protected and accccessssssible to all to prevent sssssuch eventsssss from happening." Salmix hissed in annoyance, tired of this Salk'mah his people desperately needed.

"I think you are forgetting where you are, Cain Alderman," Bastion looked down on him again as soldiers entered the room, "This is the Lailan Council's Chambers, not yours. If we wished, we could turn you into livestock, as you've felt you've been treated as such. However, we chose not to, believing it was important to realize the importance of your fate on your own.

"It seems that you are still too naïve and tainted by that wench. I never realized how stupid and emotional humans were until I met your mother. I was hoping you would be different but maybe I was a bit too naïve myself."

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers surrounded him, not yet pointing their weapons at him but could get into stance in an instant if need be. Cain raised an eyebrow at the soldiers around him, really hating the Council now.

"To think the Lailan High Council would go so far as to imprison and threaten the 'Child of All.' Do you think the 'Child of All' is actually the 'Child of Lailan' or something?" Cain joked around but the Council members weren't having it.

With Dargon being once again frustrated by this outcome, he couldn't do anything other than curse them.

"I will be bringing up your rude attitude to the Blessed Child to the Grand Council." Dargon glared but Bastion ignored him.

The elf may not show it, but he was drunk on power, able to do so many things now that Cain was in his grasp and he wasn't going to let that go. After the Council had a change of management, he became the de facto leader of the High Council, making it easier for him to get his own agenda done.

"I do not care for your false words. Are you going to comply, or will you keep resisting with your meager human ego?" Bastion looked down on him again.

Elves were a big part of the Council, not only for their magical prowess but also for their stoic and logical natures that allowed them to see through bias. However, there was also a more radical group of Elves who believed they should be the ones at the top of the food chain rather than sharing.

They hated humans the most, who were basically just like livestock, had no magical talent like they did, were physically weak, and multiplied quickly. Their radical dreams might have come true if it wasn't for their biological defect that made it impossible to have more than one child, under normal circumstances.

There one ticket out of that cage was Cain, the "Forest Guardian," he was called in their legends. After meeting his 'forest Guardian' however, Bastion could not see him saving his race. He was too weak and annoying, plus he was the son of the woman who made his life hell while she was away.

Now the animal was trying to bite the one that feeds him and Bastion needed to put it back in its place.

"Let's play the hard way then High Priest since you want to control me so badly." Cain smiled as he pulled something out of his storage ring and put it up to his head.

It looked like a taser, with electricity visible between two metal prongs and it crackling loudly. The soldiers and Council members were surprised by his sudden movement. The soldiers especially felt something wrong was happening.

This was the Blessed Child, someone who would save the world, yet the Council was trying to control him for themselves and now he wanted to kill himself? It was a weird day, to say the least for them.

"A high voltage shock to the head will probably kill me instantly no? I'm a weak human after all. Could you deal with the headache that comes with the death of the 'Child of All?'" Cain smirked.

All the council members narrowed their eyes but didn't say anything rashly. If he was bluffing that was one thing, but if he was serious, then they needed to be careful.

"Stop this pathetic charade or I might accidentally kill you myself." Bastion glared at the boy.

While it would definitely be a headache, he could try to find a way to blame this on Vala or something, where she didn't want her child to be used so she killed him before killing herself.

"Go ahead and kill me then, the whole Empire would know of your crimes." Cain tapped his temple, close to his right eye.

Bastion thought his words and actions were concerning.

"That's a magic circle in his eye..." Taz looked shocked as he focused his beast eyes on the child.

Bastion shuttered at the thought of what he put on his own eye and how it got there in the first place! Magic circles were very volatile and easily disrupted if you knew how they worked. To engrave one into your skin, let alone your eyeball which moves around all the time, you were asking for death.

While he wanted to know how it got there for his own research, he was more concerned about what the circle was since it could potentially endanger everyone here.

"Heh. He gotcha guys good." Dargon cackled and lounged in his chair waiting for a good show.

He had a feeling after this, they would all be out of the job so it meant a quicker retirement for him.

'Checkmate.' Cain thought as the pupils of his eye dilated constantly with a thin magic circle around the edge of it.

His eye was constantly focusing and unfocusing just like a camera lens...