chapter 9

As we approached the village, I noticed that it wasn't a regular fire but some strange black fire

Martin: " No matter how much water I draw and put on the flames, they won't extinguish.

"I"m not sure and I feel much weaker like someone draining my stamina and mana"

Lillie "yeah your right but we have no time come on"

As we entered the village, we noticed that everyone was dead and the worst part was that even kids were dead so whoever did this was not human

"hey martin what are you doing"

Martin "even though I'm a battle magic spearman, I have many healing abilities so I'm going to try to heal this girl"

As we gather around martin to see if he could do it"

Lillie "any luck?"

Martin "no, this poor girl she has been stabbed 24 times and she was alive for everything!"

"hey calm down, I'm also angry but let's save it for the person who did this"

Lillie "he's right, We will kill him and make him suffer alright?"

Martin "You guys are right, let's go find this person"

"We're acting like it single person while-- ahhhhh!!! what the hell my head, the pain is back"

Lillie and martin "Arthur!!!! you good"

The pain was bad, It felt like I had been shot in the head but as fast as the pain came, it went always

"I'm fine now"

Martin "you sure? , It seems bad, here let me heal you"

"yeah thanks"

Lillie "what was it anyways, I don't sense anyone"

"I don't know, the same pain made me faint, I don't what cause it but I feel like it Arthur, ever since I woke up I can't seem to talk to him"

Martin "I'm all done, sorry it took so long due to me not having that much mana right now I can't heal as much"

"It's alright come on let go"

As we walked further into the village, Martin and Lillie were asking about Arthur and what I meant he won't talk

"I'm not sure, Like I said He won't talk out of his own will or something else but it happened after I had the whole pain thing"

Lillie " maybe he's mad with you since you took his body"

"I never tried it just happened, I woke up in the middle of the forest surrounded by a huge crater plus I found a way to make us switch places"

Both martin and Lillie were speechless, I thought it was due to them having a chance to see their true friend but no it was worse

"hey come on guy--"

Martin and Lille "Teal!!!!!!"

As they ran past me I look behind me I saw teal all bloody up with one leg torn off his body

Martin" no no no, This can't be happening why!!!!"

Lillie "he still breathing thank god"

Martin "I'm trying to heal him but I can't"

"move aside I might be able to help him"

I started to take my shirt off to cover up his injury.

Before I could do more I saw My dad in the air holding his throat crying"

(author here, I have a question how can I make the story better.)