Chapter 10


Dad "Huh son, get out of here quick before they notice you"

before I could say anything, my dad suddenly got flung across houses. I was speechless, I was too afraid to move and it seems like it was the same deal with my friend

Martin " hey that was your dad right, the same dude who can make craters the sizes of houses right"

"yeah it was, I don't understand who could do that"

Lillie "gu guys, can anyone else see that or is it just me"

As I looked at what she was pointing at, I notice a person that was a shadow person with hallow eyes moving toward us

Martin "hey stop there, before I have to beat you"

Before martin could do anything he suddenly got thrown away

Lillie "Martin!!!!, You monster I make-"

Before Lillie could finish, she also got thrown aside like she was a ragdoll. At this point, my brain was in the fight, freeze and flight mode and thank god it chose flight. As I started to run I notice my mom beaten up and bloody and next to her were all the high-ranking people laying.

"no no they can't be dead, that impossible"

Grace " there not and what are you doing here, I told you to run"

"I couldn't just run, I had to help"

Grace "no you don't understand, the thing that attacking us is one of seven general of the chaos king "

No no that was supposed to be impossible since the chaos king was dead. Before I could start asking questions, Grace got a stab by the shadow person.

Shadow general "now that she has been taken care of, there's just you and me"

I was too afraid to move or even mutter a single word

Shadow general "what cat got your tongue? This be an easy kill"

I couldn't do anything and no one could help. All the leaders were lying unconscious or maybe even dead and there I still have to wait for 15 minutes for the army to come.

As it started to approach me, I knew I have to fight but how, then I realized that I may have a chance since I just need to wait for 15 minutes and if I can dodge his attack

"if it's a fight you went then come on"

Shadow general "it seems like you still have some fighting spirit"

Before I could even blink it appeared before my eye and punched me so hard that I felt like my organ was rearranged

Shadow general is "weak just like all of them"

He was fast, too fast for me to see but maybe if I get into the zone I might have a chance

As I went to punch him, my hand went through him and got stuck

Shadow general "Humans are predictable as always"

Before I could pull back my hand, It grab my hand and ripped off my arm"

"ahhhhggggg, goddam it"

This was hopeless. as I fell to the ground, bleeding to death, I wonder why I ever tried, why didn't I just run away, why did I try to save people when I'm powerless and unless.