The FALL of an IROKO

It's a late week day morning,the kids are already at school, Wahab is dressing for work and Stella is doing the house chores.

"Jesus!, Honey, come.... come"Stella screamed.

"What's it baby?"He asked as he held her hands firmly.

"That rape victim you fought for,sh....e was found dead in the hospital this morning"She stuttered as she burst into uncontrollable tear.

"Inalilahi wa inailayhi rajuun, baby calm down, I'll just rush to the hospital now,so please get hold of yourself and be strong"Wahab advised as he drove out.

Stella got so shocked by the news because she finds it hard to believe that all the hard work, sleepless nights,threats her husband had just to make a life happy and get justice is wasted within a twinkle of an eye.

"The life that struggled to get justice has gotten it but isn't present to rejoice over it, death is inevitable"She thought to herself.

Mr Wahab headed to his office after visiting the hospital,He received a message shortly after his arrival but he was short of words when he found out it's a sack letter,he couldn't believe his eyes until he went to confirm the charges of his dismissal,and it's based on flimsy evidence,He quietly drove home after much plead.

"What's happening to me,Oooh Allah,my Job is gone,and that's where I get money to carter for my family and I"He spoke to himself as he drove recklessly.

Mr Wahab was frustrated and unable to think straight, then a red Mercedes Benz crossed his path.

"Hey you watch it, can't you drive properly"Mr Wahab bagged seriously as he got out of the car.

"Hey friend, seems you still have much strength,I thought you'll be really tensed by now,so how've you been, it's really been a while"The prime minister confronted Mr Wahab.

"So it's you again, wicked soul, the last time I checked, you were sentenced to twelve years imprisonment,so what're you doing here?"Wahab asked in a loud voice.

"(laughed aloud) don't tell me you believed that impression of me staying in the prison for twelve years?moron, I'm the prime minister,I have wealth and power, that's just what one needs in this country, without them you're useless and shouldn't interfere in powerful people's life, don't tell me you still do not know the rules of this nation and you call yourself a citizen"the prime minister replied.

"This is unbelievable,my mind tells me you're responsible for all that's happening presently,the death of that rape victim and my sack letter?"Wahab asked.

"Am proudly responsible my boy, remember I told you to stay off the case,but you refused,I offered to pay you handsomely but you proved stubborn,this is just the beginning of your tears,you and your family should get ready for more pains"The prime minister said in anger.

"You see, sometimes I wonder if you people don't have conscience,you confidently murdered an innocent soul but you've done enough and I refuse to fear your cooked up threats"Wahab confidently replied.

"Oooh, cooked up threats,I see,by the time I start cooking you in pains, tears,agony, frustration and absolute disaster, you'll realize that the cooked up threats is nothing compared to what you're going through,await my actions"the prime minister said as he entered his car and banged the door.

Mr Wahab also got into his car and drove home.

"Honey, what's wrong, you look so tensed,come on talk to me"Stella asked her husband but he refused to give an answer.

"Daddy, what's falling apart? Maqsud also asked his dad,but he didn't respond.

Mr Wahab looked at his family for a while without uttering a word before he went to his bedroom. His wife knew he had a crappy day but she's scared there's danger,she became restless and worried, but she gave her husband sometime to rest before she could approach him again.

"Mom, we'll be going for school educational excursion, this is the fee slip"Muneera said to her mom.

"Okay dear,just keep the slip on the wooden table, I'll check it later"Stella replied without showing any interest.

"Mom, you don't look happy, don't you want me to participate in the upcoming excursion? anyways don't worry, I'll go and show the slip to daddy"Muneera said as she walked towards her dad's room.

"Hey angel,I want you to participate, but dad is tired now and needs some rest,so you will show the slip to him later, okay."Stella advised her daughter.

"Good afternoon dad, sorry I barged in without your consent,I totally had no idea you're back"Bintu apologized.

"it's fine my dear,so what do you want from this room?"He asked.

"I forgot my hair brush after mom helped me styled my hair yesterday,so I came to fetch it, but dad,why did you arrive so early today?"Bintu asked.

"okay, I'll answer your question, but let's go downstairs first"Wahab replied.

Wahab went downstairs to narrated all that happened and how the prime minister is responsible for everything and threatened to do more. On hearing all this,Stella fainted and was rushed to the hospital immediately, after running some tests on her, the doctors confirmed she's four weeks pregnant.

"Oooh why now,why now? when everything is falling apart and we're been hunted by a dangerous man,am really frustrated"Stella lamented and cried heavily.

"Honey,why are you doing this, we'll overcome all this with faith, please cry no more, you have to be strong for the kids"Wahab consoled his wife.

"I know we can walk through this, but the pregnancy,I want to abort the baby,so we can focus on the kids for now, maybe later when things are back to normal,we can have more"Stella insisted.

"You can't do that now, it's too late, prevention is the only remedy but since it's in, the only cure is for you to give birth to the baby, aborting is same as murder, and it's a big sin before God,so please keep the baby"Wahab replied.

"Okay,if that's what you want"Stella said.

After some weeks, Stella received the huge loan she has requested for,she opened a bull mart beside her house and her business was going smoothly.

"Honey welcome,how was the interview?"Stella greeted her husband.

"He promised me an employment but then I was asked to check in next two weeks,I just pray this one will work,am short of hope already"Wahab replied in a low voice.

"it's fine honey, have faith and am sure this one will work out"Stella said with full confidence.

All the job interviews Wahab went for turned out unsuccessful,He became really worried for his turning financially empty.

"I served you since, but you've not even touched the food, please eat,I understand you're temporary in the red but always remember that when there's life, there's hope"Stella consoled her husband.

"Baby,am really tensed, everything is switching so fast, I've been depending on my savings for the kids school fee,feed provisions, hospital bills and more but am scared my savings is on the low and can do no more,am just tired (paused for a while) Bintu told me about her lesson fee last two days but I haven't paid for it"Wahab complained bitterly from his heart.

"I've paid for their lesson fee already, your savings is on the low, but my business is doing so well,I seriously feel bad when you think am not supposed to help the family financially, we're to assist each other, for better for worst. honey please I love you and always remember we're in this together and we'll conquer all"She replied.

"I love you more baby,am just been considerate, the money you used to start up this business is a loan,and you'll have to pay in monthly interest, besides I can't just seat and watch you pay all bills"He said.

"I know am paying in monthly interest but it's nothing compared to how I make sales, trust me,I can take care of the household bills for the meantime,am not saying you shouldn't search for job or so but you're over it at the same time thinking too much and it's not good for your health status,so no more but"She insisted.

Stella handled the household bills while Wahab kept searching for a job.One sunny noon, Wahab was going home after another unsuccessful interview,he entered his car about to drive, but stopped because he heard a car dashed upon his,he came down about to nag but was out of words when he sighted the prime minister.

"Hold it my boy,I understand this is the only mobile means you've got, and it's almost damaged but am not that heartless you know,So why are you coming from?He teased.

"You again,wow, it's been a while though, you must've been dying in your past,so how may I help you?"Wahab asked.

"Small boy, you can never be off help to me, have you ever heard of failure helping success,ooh never"The prime minister laughed aloud.

"Am never a failure,a man surrounded by genuine and lovely family can never be a failure on like you that's encircled by fake people"Wahab replied in anger.

"But you've failed numerous interviews including the one you just attended,so do we call that your lovely family failure or my fake family success"The minister asked with a weird smile.

"Oooh now I get it,so it's been you all this while, you're responsible for my jobless situation"Wahab said in shock.

"Sure,am fully responsible,I told you I was going to destroy you bit by bit, and that's the mission am working on, I'll make your life hopeless as long as you live, that's my promise word to you"the Minister replied indignantly.

"But your mission won't be fully accomplished, we're doing just fine,I seriously don't have to spend my precious time with you, bloody degenerated fool"Wahab threw abusive words on him as he set to leave.

"I'll get to the root of your smile,no one steps on a crocodile's tail and goes without been harmed,I warned you"The minister said and left.