ROUGH patches

It's a mild evening,Stella closed the mall early because of the downpour earlier that day,The kids are happily playing and Wahab is operating his laptop.

"What are we having for dinner?"Wahab asked his wife.

"Am kind of stressed,can we please go for outdoor dinner?"Stella replied.

"yee, outdoor dinner, let's go get ready for a yummy meal"the kids chorused.

"Okay baby, although I have little money but it will surely cover the bills"Wahab replied with a smile.

"And even if it doesn't, your baby gat you,now go get ready"Stella added.

Wahab drove them to a nice eatery,they all had a delectable fit for a king meal.

"I sincerely had a great dinner, but honey it's too early to just go home and sleep, could you please feed us with some more enchanting view of the city, please?"Stella requested.

"Hmmmm, okay baby, you all should get in the car"Wahab agreed.

Wahab drove them to different places,they had a great time with nature.

They were shocked to find the bull mart on fire and the crowd were busy pouring water on the building, immediately after the shocking sight, Stella fainted and was rushed to the hospital,she became conscious after few hours and the doctor advised that her health should be properly cared for because she's going through a very tough time and it's not good for her condition.

"Honey,my shop,what happened to my bull mart?"Stella asked her husband in a confused tone.

"Baby, it's fine, according to the public,the fire started big as if it was set ablaze, they've been trying to quench it, but it quenched after burning half part of our house,"Wahab replied with a sad voice.

"my children, hope they're safe?"Stella asked in full concern.

"They're all good, waiting to have you back home"Wahab replied.

"Do we still have a home,I mean after all what my eyes saw"Stella asked in tears.

"Relax baby,all will be fine,the fire burnt half part of the house not all,so we can manage there for now but you need to think less and be strong, remember health is wealth"Wahab consoled his wife in an inspiring manner.

Stella was discharged and they all went home,they properly cleaned and lived in the uncompleted building.

"Mom,we can't go to school,our school wares used to be in one of the burnt rooms"Maqsud said.

"Oooh my,what should we do now? and we can't get those school wares presently because the money we have now is to be properly managed and those wares are expensive,Oh lord,help me"Stella said as she became confused.

"Baby, it's fine, I'll explain to the proprietor about them using housewares to school for the main time"Wahab replied.

The next day, Wahab was called for another job interview, after dressing,he realized that his documents and files are in the master's bedroom which got totally burnt.wahab instantly became speechless and frustrated. He wasn't himself for couple of days.

"Honey,so you aren't certified for any official work, when is all this going to end?I feel like we have no better future, everything isn't working well,not even proper feeding talk less about the bills.(holds on for some seconds)... We're presently opposite of what we used to be"Stella lamented in uncontrollable tears.

"Baby, it's fine, just have faith and let me think,be calm and don't just jump into negative conclusions"Wahab replied.

"it's not fine,the bank will soon hunt for me,for some months now,I haven't been able to pay the interest,they are considerate because I was a bank official"Stella complained bitterly.

Wahab started menial jobs just to make sure he feeds the family,Stella got into a loan default. One hot afternoon, Wahab was at home and Stella sat beside him, but after sitting for a while,she started feeling pains above her upper navel, suddenly,she shrieked loudly, Wahab quickly rushed her into the car,on their way to the hospital,they announced the movement of the president and his escorts which stopped the movement of other vehicles.

"Ooooh, what's all this,I don't have much time,my wife is in severe pain,ooh my country"Wahab cried in absolute confusion.

" dying, this pain is serious, please take me out of here, pleasssss"Stella cried in rigid pain.

Wahab managed to reach the hospital, but unfortunately,the baby came out lifeless. They all mourned the death of their newly born baby for weeks.

"Baby,why the long face, what's wrong, please talk to me, you've been like this for a while now?"Wahab asked his wife in a low tone.

"Hmmmm...I got notification from the bank not quite long, they are coming to seize our properties, since we're into loan default"Stella replied in a hopeless voice.

"Oooh Allah,am finished,what will become of me,what a life, everyone prays for grass to grace but mine is from frypan to direct fire,am dying slowly,I can't watch my family go through all this pain and frustration"Wahab bewailed.

Wahab and his family are now living in the village,they had to relocate after the seizure of their properties, Wahab started teaching in a village school while Stella sell provision in a small tent at the frontage,The kids now attend the school which their dad teaches.

"Am tired of all this,I can't cope at all,we have nothing left,no car,no proper house,no standard school,no treated water,we can't even feed properly, and all the insect bites,am frustrated". Bintu bitterly complained.

"Same here little sister, we're all not comfortable here but we have to adapt for now, there's no other option,I feel so bad when I see mum and dad in this condition, struggling so hard to make it better, it'll be fine soon"Maqsud consoled his sister.

"it isn't getting fine at all, it's rather getting worst,I just don't know what to do,am so bittered.

"I know what we should do, first of all,try to adapt,then focus on your goal,be determined and achieve it in flying colors after all this, nothing can stop you from getting your comfort at the best service"Maqsud said.

"I know that, but I feel it's still far ahead,but since there's no other option, I'll try to adapt like you've said. But brother,why are villages like this,no development, everything is bad,why can't villages be like city? Bintu asked.

"You're wrong, villages can be developed like cities, even more than cities,but the cause of all this is bad and corrupt government,they are so selfish and don't want to give the citizens what rightfully belong to them,they are self centered but everything will be fine if only we have a fair government"Maqsud replied.

"Just hope someone will help change things so I can be the way I used to be"Bintu smiled.

"Don't depend on people my little angel, depend on yourself and be the best version of yourself for you are more than thousands people put together"Wahab added to their conversation.

"Daddy,that was a lovely compliment,thank you"Bintu replied.

"I honestly know this environment isn't convenient for you,but please you all should endure with daddy for the main time,all will soon be well I promise"Wahab said.

"it's alright daddy,I and my siblings will be fine,we just need little time to get adapted to it"Maqsud replied.

"Time flew, but nothing changed,they continued living a hand-to-mouth life.

"mummy,this is my result,I passed all subjects excellently,I came out best in my set"Bintu approached her mom in excitement.

"Oooh lord,am so happy for you dear,my angel my pride, I've always knew you are the best and am proud to call you my daughter"Stella continued to praise her daughter in full joy.

"(pursed the excitement), mummy I think there's blood on your tongue"Bintu asked as she moved closer for a better sight.

"blood,ooh it's palm oil,I am cooking,so I took small, you know I like palm oil alot"Stella lied.

"that doesn't look like palm oil,and besides I can't remember you liking palm oil, you're the opposite of that, but if you say so, it's fine"Bintu replied.

"People change as they age,I may not like it before,but I love it now,so come inside,I prepared your favorite"Stella said.

On the other hand, Wahab has used his retirement funds in enrolling Maqsud in one of the best federal university to study engineering.

"Honey,now that the government are refusing to give pension when due, where will we raise the money to enroll Bintu in higher institution, I've been thinking about this for a while now"Stella asked her husband.

"I thought as much dear, but I pray God will make way before her admission letter is out,am even more concerned about Maqsud, I've not been able to cater for his school bills since he started,the last time we spoke,he asked for project money but till date I haven't sent him a Penny,am really disturbed"Wahab replied an unfulfilled tone.

"that reminds me,we spoke and I really cautioned him yesterday, when I asked about his financially stability and how his coping,he said he works for a man at a cyber cafe in school and that makes him miss classes sometimes"Stella said.

"that doesn't sound good at all,I'll make sure I speak with him before night fall"Wahab replied worriedly.

Despite the fact that Maqsud works to survive as a student,his also addicted to his studies and always has higher grades.