As time goes,Stella became really sick,but she's trying her possible best to hide it from her family and the public.

"Daddy,I brought a super gift for you all"Bintu said in excitement.

"What's that,show it and stop keeping us in suspense"Stella replied anxiously.

"Here!my admission slip to one of the best universities so far"Bintu hugged her dad.

Stella was happy but also sad, because she thought about the school expenses.

"Congratulations my angel,am super proud of your success"Wahab said in full joy.

"Thanks Daddy"Bintu replied.

Wahab promised to work harder on his farm produce inorder to make good sales for Bintu's school charges.Few weeks on, Stella's illness became so chronic that she can no longer hide it from others,In the middle of a bright moon night,she began to cough seriously and to their greatest shock, she's bringing out blood from both nose and mouth,they hurriedly rushed her to the nearest clinic.

Stella was admitted and Mr Wahab managed to pay the consultation fee.

"Nurse ..... please how's my mom? will she survive this?is she fine???"Bintu worriedly asked many questions from the Nurse coming out of her mother's ward.

"She'll be fine,may I know your relationship with her first?"The Nurse asked.

"Am her daughter ma,second child,first daughter,am Bintu by name,you can talk to me about her health"Bintu replied in full concern.

"Okay, where's your Dad,her husband?"The Nurse asked.

"He stepped out to receive a call, he'll be here in no time,but you can actually discuss anything concerning her health with me"Bintu insisted.

"Am here,Mr Wahab, the husband and Bintu's Dad"Wahab appeared immediately.

"Welcome sir, please follow me, the doctor wants to see you"the Nurse said.

"Nurse.....may I come along? Bintu asked.

"No my dear, it's private, like I've said everything is just under control and your mom is fine"the Nurse replied.

"Sister,am having a bad feeling about mom's health and am so worried,I pray mom will be fine"Muneera said with an inner fear.

"I pray so also,I just can't wait to see her"Bintu replied.

"Is brother aware of mom's present health condition?"Muneera asked her sister.

"Not yet,Dad said he need not to know because it will get him distracted from his studies"Bintu replied.

"That's true,he might even rush home hearing it,am worried about the hospital bills"Muneera said.

"Worry less dear,the nurse is yet to tell us why she's bleeding from both nose and mouth,so talk less about the bills"Bintu replied.

"I think it's really dangerous to bleed from sensitive organs,I don't know why but I have a feeling her condition is critical"Muneera whispered.

"I've warned you severally to stop thinking negative,are you wishing mom bad or what...be careful and rethink before you spit out words"Bintu replied in annoyance.

"Am sorry,I would never wish her bad, it's a mere feeling"Muneera apologized.

"Then caution your feeling"Bintu replied.

They both sat on the recliner as they await their dad.

"Mr Wahab, your wife has been going through this much and you didn't bother to bring her to the clinic until it has gotten this worst,why?The doctor asked surprisingly.

"Doctor, please I don't understand what you just said,I brought her here immediately she started bleeding,am sorry if we brought her late, but we tried to reach the hospital as quick as we could"Wahab replied.

"If am not mistaking, you mean you don't know she has been seriously ill for the past few years? The Doctor asked in shock.

"Seriously I'll?.... Few years?, doctor please am lost, make me understand better"Wahab said.

"Ooh I see, your wife must be a very strong woman to successfully hide this dangerous illness from you if you claim not to be aware, Are you both together? I mean do you sleep in the same room?"He asked.

"Yes sir, we've always been together, please what illness has she been hiding from me that is this dangerous like you've said.

"I'll tell you....She has been living with blood cancer(leukemia) and it's about to finish her,she is gradually dying in silence"the Doctor replied.

Mr Wahab find it very difficult to believe that his wife has been in pains for years without his consent,but what disturbs him most is his financial ability.

The Doctor has prescribed a very expensive pills for Stella while she receive other treatments on in the hospital.

"Dad, what's wrong with the long face, what's with mom's health,why the silence, please speak up"Bintu asked questions in fear.

"Dad please stop keeping us in suspense,we need to know what's wrong, we've been worried, please tell us what's mom's medical condition?Muneera also asked anxiously.

"Your mom has been dying slowly...., she has been living in pains for the past years"Wahab replied with a depressed tone.

"Pains for the past few years, daddy please i don't understand"Bintu said.

"Neither do I"Muneera added.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine,all I need now is your prayers so I can provide money for her treatments"Wahab replied as he walked away to the Doctor's office.

"Dad is hiding something really dangerous from us"Muneera said.

"Yeah,he doesn't want to tell us what's exactly wrong with mom's health...., just watch as I find out myself"Bintu concluded.

"Doctor please can you start the treatment, please I don't want anything bad to happen to my wife,I assure you that I'll go and hustle for the payment, and I'll clear the bills gradually"Wahab pleaded.

"Mr Wahab, we've attended to her as we used to attend to all patient, but her condition is critical,a very chronic leukemia, presently if you want to save her life,get money for the zydelig pills,then other things will follow,just try and get some money, she's battling with life and death" The Doctor explained.

"Okay, I'll get some money,but can you please start giving her the pills,I promise I'll pay for it in no much time"Wahab pleaded.

"The problem is that we don't have some medications here,we have to place order from the city pharmacy,so please try and understand us also"The Doctor replied.

During all this conversation, Bintu and Muneera has been eavesdropping from the window,they now know their Mom has cancer of the blood,they both stayed in a corner and silently cried so much,they aren't just crying because of her illness,they are also crying because they don't have anything close to the amount of money the doctor demanded for her medications.

"Muneera....? Bintu...?"Wahab called to his daughters when he couldn't sight them.

"Yes daddy"They chorused.

"Where did both of you went to, and why are your eyes kind of swollen and slightly reddish?"Wahab asked as he moved closer to his daughters.

"Daddy,...(tears rolled down her cheeks)mom is suffering from leukemia, she's dying"Muneera screamed as she cried out uncontrollably.

"Are we really gonna watch her die because her medical bills is way too much for us, we're financially broke, we're the opposite of wealth presently.....(they were all silent for some minutes)....am tired,I can take this no more, it's too much and nothing is changing"Bintu lamented in tears.

"Let me check around and see what I can do, you both seat here so you can be easily alerted if necessary"Wahab said as he set out to make some money.

"okay daddy,best of luck"they both said.

(After few hours)

"Doctor please can we talk to our mom now?"Bintu asked.

"Sure, you may"He replied.

"Mommy"they shouted as they both hugged here tightly.

"Bintu, Muneera, what's wrong,why are you crying,you are both running temperature,talk to me, where's your dad?"Stella asked her daughters with a confused tone.

"Daddy went to raise some money for your treatment"Bintu replied.

"Why the uncontrollable tears and the snotty nose,tell me now"Stella asked.

"mommy why,.... why do you have to hide this from us,why do you want to die and leave us behind, don't we at least give you joy???"Muneera cried loud as she questioned her mom.

"Leaving my children would never be an option,but I don't even have a choice"Stella also cried out.

"Mommy,so you're aware of the blood cancer Al this while, and you know it's very deadly?"Bintu asked.

"Blood cancer.....a m suffering from blood cancer,I swear I never knew it's leukemia"She stammered.

"All will be fine mommy, just join us and pray that daddy raise the money required for your treatment"Bintu added.