Wahab kept on moving from one menial job to another searching for a more profitable one while Stella was still admitted in the hospital,but her illness worsens day by day because Wahab couldn't provide the money for her treatment and the doctor isn't giving her medical attention anymore.

Bintu started hawking the goods left in her mom's shop for a better sell while Muneera continued schooling, Wahab later ended up in a building site as a labourer, the payment was very little compared to hisnupju financial issue,but he had no other option.

"Am dying here, and my bed space is been paid for daily but I don't receive any treatment at all,is better I stay at home, please take me home"Stella lamented.

"I know you don't receive treatments, and that's because I haven't been able to give them the money they requested for your treatment, it's just too much for me, Bintu isn't schooling because I spent all the money I've been saving for her education in this hospital, Bintu is hawking the goods left in your shop so she can pay Muneera's school charges on time,am working as a labourer in an estate site, but my payment isn't even enough to cover our feeding alone,O Allah,am depending on you"Wahab lamented bitterly.

"I do understand all this and am truely sorry for the pains, that's part of the reason why I want to go home, at least you won't pay for the bed space anymore,then when you have enough money I can come back for the full treatment"Stella showed sympathy on her husband.

"All this is none of your fault,so you don't have to apologize at all"Wahab said as he hugged his wife with a smile.

Weeks past by but they couldn't raise the money for her treatment,Stella became seriously I'll and weak,Bintu had to use the money she made from her sales to pay Muneera's school charges, Wahab got badly injured while working in the site and had been at home. Maqsud on the other hand is about to come back home for school break.

"Brother, welcome back, how've you been?"Bintu welcomed her brother with a warm embrace.

"Ooh my little, naughty sister, I've really missed you,I heard about your excellent examination result and am super proud of you but with that kind of perfect result, you should've gotten admission into the best institution"Maqsud praised his sister.

"Bro,I got admitted to one of the best schools many months back but the school fees is really too much for them to enroll me,so I've been at home waiting on God's decision"Bintu replied in a low tone....., that's by the way bro,why do you have to stay this long before checking up on us?"She asked.

"Am so sorry about all that happened,I promise once I get first class and a good job, I'll make sure your wants and needs are available even before a request and about my long stay at school, you know the transportation fare is really high, once I get that kind of money,I use it on handouts and other school needs"Maqsud explained.

"it's well bro, don't just stand there,walk inside"Bintu insisted.

"Mom...., Dad....., My little princess..., where is no answering? Maqsud asked Bintu.

"Muneera went to school, Dad is sleeping,and mom...,mom is admitted in the hospital"Bintu stammered.

"What hospital!!!"Maqsud screamed.

"Lower your voice, Dad is resting, follow me to the hospital, I'll explain everything that happened when you were in school"Bintu calmed him down.

Bintu took Maqsud to the hospital but Stella was fast asleep,so they sat outside.

"I can't believe that's mom,what really happened to her,she looks extremely I'll?"Maqsud asked in shock of what he saw.

"It's a very long story bro, everything is has turned upside down, we're helpless and hopeless"Bintu replied in tears and snotty nose.

"Then cut the story short and make me understand"Maqsud said in anger.

"Mummy was confirmed a victim of blood cancer shortly after my admission was released,she has been with it for many years and it's about to finish her before we noticed, so Dad rushed her to this hospital couple of months ago,He spent all the money he was saving for my education on her but the pills that is recommended for the treatment of leukemia is extra expensive and we've not been able to get it, Daddy got a job as a labourer in an upcoming site but he was knocked down by bricks last week and got badly injured, since then, I've been the only one responsible for our expenses and Muneera's school charges, that's briefly all that happened"Bintu Narrated all they've been through pain.

After Bintu's touching story, Maqsud quietly shaded tears without a word for an hour.

"Mom is awake, please come and say something,I really don't like to see you in this condition"Bintu consoled her brother.

Maqsud stood up and walked into the ward which his mom was admitted, When Stella saw her son,She was so happy for she hasn't seen him for a long time, Maqsud hugged his mom so tight.

"How've you been Son,am so sorry I haven't been able to send you money while you were in school, things has really been rough for us over here"Stella explained.

"Say no more mom, Bintu told me all that happened while I was away"am good and God Almighty has been Faithful to me"Maqsud replied with a smile.

"Ooh thank you Jesus,thank you Lord,am happy to see you happy,I guess I don't need to talk about the past since you said your sister told you all,so let's talk about the future,so what's with your education?"Stella asked in full joy.

"Okay mom,am almost done, I'll be writing my final year examination soon,after that, it's done and dusted,then I'll move to serve my country"Maqsud confidently replied.

"Hmmmm, upcoming copper,am super proud of you,My brother, my Hero"Bintu said as she gave him a big hug.

"InshiAllah, Thanks my darling sister,heart you big"Maqsud replied with a smile.

"May the lord always bless you all,may that smile never seize from those cute faces of yours,am so happy you're back"Stella showed excitement.

One sunny Monday morning, Bintu came back home after hawking, Her dad gave her a slip that one of her secondary school teacher had left for her to fill.

"Dad, it's a scholarship form,by NGO's to school abroad,but there's an upcoming examination to test the ability of all the applicants and select the best"Stella explained what's in the form to her Dad.

"Wow, that's a nice one,go on,my angel's luck will shine for you're a star but check if there's any fee attached to it"Wahab asked in full concern.

"I don't think there's any oo, yes there's payment before entering the exam hall, that's all I guess"Bintu replied.

Maqsud paid the money she needed for the exams and she successfully wrote it.

"When are we expecting the result"Stella asked in excitement.

"Mom,I don't know for now,but very soon I pray"Bintu replied.

"Am happy you'll be privileged to school abroad,but I'll miss you so so much"Muneera said.

"Yes,she is a blessing to this family,my special angel"Wahab praised his daughter.

"I guess she's not the only child, where's our praises"Maqsud teased.

"Naughty boy,you should add yours, she'll soon leave the Nation"Wahab said with a smile.

"I've desperately been waiting for this moment,to have the complete family gist, smile, and keep away our sorrows. Maqsud Son, please always watch and care over your sisters, you're the eldest and also their only brother, Bintu dear,Am really grateful for all the effort you've put together for us,most especially your sister, please continue to shoulder her with your love and care"Stella talked for a while.

"I seriously don't understand why you're sharing responsibility while you and Dad are still here for us"Maqsud asked.

"It's nothing Son,we learn everyday and am already so weak to watch over you all,I just want you all to stay happy together and love each other, that's all"Stella replied.

The family all happily ate dinner together and Muneera decided to sleep in the hospital with her mom instead of Bintu.

"It isn't comfortable here at all,do you still want to pass the night with mummy?"Bintu asked Muneera again.

"Yes,I just want to stay here with her,I want to spend the night with her"Muneera insisted.

"Let her stay before she starts crying again"Stella also insisted.

"Your last born tricks are over, you're already an adult, yet you cry like babies, Good night baby"Maqsud teased Muneera as he held Bintu's hand towards the exit.

Stella was confirmed dead the next morning, Wahab fainted after receiving the bad news,They all wept for a very long period.