Vayu::with grace of air element

The Tantrik was hesitant to save the bird because he was afraid of being bitten by a snake. He expressed his concern, showing compassion for the bird's situation. However, a brave boy appeared and inquired about the bird's whereabouts. The people pointed him towards the rocks and informed him about the bird's condition.

2. The Tantrik warned the boy about the poisonous snakes that were lurking above the rocks. He advised the boy not to try to be a hero, emphasizing the danger posed by the fast and venomous snakes. However, the boy remained determined to save the bird, stating that he liked its wing color. The Tantrik was taken aback by the boy's response, questioning his reasoning.

3. Shukra, suggested tantrik that let the boy go and see what he was capable of. The boy took a few steps back and then sprinted towards the rocks. His incredible jump astonished everyone, including the Tantrik. As the boy landed on top of the rock, furious snakes emerged from every side. However, the boy swiftly dodged them with his speed and agility, impressing all the onlookers. The Tantrik and Shukra observed from a distance, discussing the boy's remarkable abilities. Shukra mentioned that the boy seemed to have access to air elements, which made his body light and fast. The Tantrik wondered if it was just a coincidence that the boy possessed such abilities

Tantrik asked shukra : but how first prithvi than he ,is it really coincidence?

Sukra say whatever it is ,i will not change my decision

that boy took the bird and turn around and said

you stupid snake you only know zig zag motion you should also Crawl straight to caught me

boy again started to go forward while dodging every snake and reach to the corner

Tantrik tells to boy why are you waiting? just jump

Boy says ya ya here i come

But as he ready to jump a very small snake came out from hole besides him and bite him

Sukra says look tantrik he has been bitten but he is unnoticed about it

Boy jumped over the ground and everyone praised him he took the bird ,and he went ahead to do bird medicine

Tantrik asked shukra to follow him before poison will take its effect

Shukra replied i wouldn't follow him if i have not to be going towards that direction

Tantrik says why you always such strict ,but i know you are soft from inside

As shukra and tantrik started to follow the boy ,after sometime they saw boy lied on ground

Tantrik says on looking that boy::oo it seems poison started to work on his body

Shukra reached to boy

Boy says : o man it seems i have bitten by some strange creature please help me

Tantrik replied : what is meaning by strange creature? it is called snake and don't you wanted to help that bird first

Boy says :oo yes but i think that bird can endure for sometime but i couldn't

Shukra replied: :you are practical one , tantrik please make a geometrical shape around bitten area and use your occult power to hold poison from spreading and don't make wrong shape otherwise he will lost his leg forever

Boy says ::what ,oo tantrik man if you did anything wrong i will curse you and make you frog

Tantrik replied::what ,you should thank us .such an arrogant boy and anyway i am tantrik i have occult knowledge how, can your curse affect me? shukra let leave him on his condition

Boy says:no no i just want to calm down my mind please save me I haven't ability to curse anyone .

Tantrik says :now you came to line

Tantrik make a mystical drawing around bitten part and chant some mantra and shukra hold his palm for sometime

Shukra say :his immune system is another level it seems its body already started to make enzyme to fight poison

Boy says ::as i said i am special one direct fall from heaven

Shukra:: whatever your specialization if we didn't come on time then atleast your leg will be paralyzed forever ,whats your name boy

Boy::my name is vayu and and i live with my grandmother and i have a sister but i am favourite one ,my age is about 17 years, my birthday is on....

but tantrik spoke in the middle

Tantrik :: oye oye we don't want to know your biography

Boy ::no i thought you have become my fan so i thought to elaborate about my personality

Shukra::Don't live in dream vayu your overconfidence and show off can kill you, anyway don't you know about your Father or mother?

Vayu ::no my grandmother never told me anyway thanks for your help i will always grateful for you, can you please treat this bird ?

Shukra::no we have to go you can take her you will be fine in few minutes

Vayu::who are you ?please introduce yourself

Tantrik::our introduction is coming to end so it doesn't matter

And they went ahead from there Leaving vayu in perplexed state

And their journey continued

Now the temperature started to fall down after sunset and they reached to snow covered area

Tantrik:: shukra isn't this island is bit strange , first we saw deep forest than we saw rocky area and now this cold with snowfall i am not used to such intense cold ,we should not enter more, just wait here

Shukra::No we should not stop. you said you wanted to leave this body than why so much care for it. it will end tomorrow, i just wanted to reach other side of island as soon as possible no waiting

Tantrik::ok ok but what if i lost my consciousness and fall behind?. you should walk along with me

Shukra::if you lose your awareness than i will leave you behind

Tantrik::what you are so cruel at least you should support me on my last journey

As they go deeper they saw big licks of ice but in middle of that they saw some people with lantern and fire sticks