Agni::fire within

Tantrik::there is one more strange crowd what are they doing there, should we check?

Shukra :: anyway ,we are going there

After reaching at that point

Tantrik:: what's matter why you all gathered?

A man::oo there were two boys standing there ,it is a foothills of a snow mountain and suddenly Some drifting snowflakes fall on them and they flowed with them and get buried inside

Shukra::how long did this incident take?

Villager::just 10 minutes

Shukra::And we don't even know where they have flown away, so now only a miracle can save them.

But suddenly they see a piece of ice moving, a boy comes out of it.There is a gleam on his face and he is holding another boy with him.

But still they are bit far from those people and suddenly another snowflake is coming fast towards that boy.

Shukra::If he collides with that piece he will fall down he has to avoid it

But that boy shouts loudly and says that oh snowflakes you made me very tired now I will break you

And he punches that piece with great force so that the piece breaks into pieces.

Tantrik::How did he do this, it was not a simple punch

Shukra::His punch not only broke it but also melted it he is not an ordinary boy, he has the energy of the fire element

Tantrik::what now it is not coincidence first earth then air then fire God is giving us hint

Shukra:: don't make me optimistic whatever you say I am not going to turn back on my words

All the villagers go to the boy and help him to come out.

Villager::You have done wonders, we were so scared, what answer would we give to your mother? if something happens to you

Sukra thinking::Mother, doesn't he also have a father? Isn't this strange , anyway what do I have to do with this

Boy returned to the ground but suddenly He feels dizzy and falls unconscious

Shukra:: not again

and he went to see him

Shukra to tantrik:: check another boy temperature and do what you can

The tantrik puts his hand near his neck and says that Its temperature has gone down

Shukra took a burning lamp from a villager and absorbed its head then Keeps his hand on both of their head and focuses on the middle of his eyebrows for some time

After sometime one boy opens his eyes

Boy::oo man how can I sleep I have to go for cutting of wood so that my mother gets heat

Shukra::oo fire man ,if you don't control your fire you will burn yourself what's your name

Boy ::my name is Agni is it your energy which awoke


Shukra::i just transfer my some heat to you

Agni ::thanks what should I do for you ,my mom makes very good rice of ice come lets eat

Shukra::no i will come later go and take rest

Agni::rest , no i don't know how to take rest I can sleep but couldn't rest

In between other boy also open his eye and says where am I?

Agni::you awake ,you stupid it's because of you I felt ashamed why you didn't run when you saw snowflakes

Boy::how I can run you were holding me and said we should deep drive in snow and see what's is inside I even pissed in my pants

Agni ::what ,now I understand why you smell like jelly fish

Tantrik::what ,Now I have to bath in holy river

Shukra::lets go you can find holy river above

Agni::thanks again man

They continued their journey

Tantrik::this is fantastic

Shukra:: what is fantastic?

Tantrik::to met such talented boys on our last journey of life make me thrilled

Shukra::who said they are talented?

Tantrik:: don't you see them ?

Shukra::they have ability ,but there are many children who born with ability but as they grow they lost their shining due to lack of focus ,sometimes their intelligent hijacked by hormones and sometimes their ego hinder their growth , there should be constant strive for development then only you can surpass your limit

Tantrik::but they are different their eyes have focus

Shukra:: anyway it's doesn't matter now

Tantrik ::lets see what's waiting for us


Tantrik::oo you pessimist

Now they came out of the icy place and came to the bank of the river the sun had risen and they stopped to drink water, but as they reached the bank of the river which was flowing very fast, they saw that two girls were playing on the other side of the river but suddenly a girl falls in the river and starts flowing in the strong current of water.

Tantrik::you see shukra that girl ,if she will not stop she will fall because there is waterfall on that side

Shukra::we can't do anything from here because she is far from us but look that another girl she also jumped into river what is she thinking ?

Tantrik:: she is chasing that girl but can she reached to her?

Shukra::look tantrik the way she swim it's like fish in water she swims very smooth and fast we should follow her otherwise they both will fall , there is boat lets take it

Shukra and tantrik started to follow him

As soon as the first girl is about to reach the waterfall, the second girl comes and grabs her and starts flowing against the river.

Shukra::Despite such a strong current, that girl is swimming against it and also holds a girl

Tantrik::what your thought is she have access over water element ?

Shukra:: i am not sure

But suddenly a wave arise near that girl which push her near waterfall and she loses her balance and fall into waterfall

Tantrik::oo no they have fallen ,what now let's go there

Shukra ::be careful this is not normal river when we get near keep boat slow and then we will try to fall smoothly, i don't think it have height

Tantrik and shukra reached near it and They also fall with the boat under the waterfall .Because the boat is strong and the height of the waterfall is also low.,They landed safely