An old man

Shukra:::I like your answer but human is master of taking U turn

Akash :: that's why I am requesting you ,because one needs a master to prevent oneself from taking U turn

Shukra::but master can only guide you it's on you which way will you go

Akash:::your guidance and grace is enough for me

Tantrik to shukra:: that's enough shukra let's make him disciple ,lets start a new era

Shukra::ya ,new era with new warriors ,its time to turn the tables, now I make my mind I am ready for it

Akash :: thanks master I will do my best

Tantrik::but what to do with these hunters , should I hunt them?

Shukra:: let's leave this to akash anyway he is the one who defeated them

Akash::i will make their thumbs inefficient so that they will never shoot an arrow

Shukra:: never leave your enemy injured either kill them or leave them

Tantrik ::i have an idea,i can use them for my rituals like they can be my test subjects to disappear somone

Akash::what happen if they will disappear ,they will become troublesome

Shukra says with smile :: don't worry his experiment never succeed

Tantrik replied to shukra with confidence::oo ,now you will see this time I am going to succeed

One of the hunters says :: please leave us we will never come again or kill us but we don't want to be a tool of that stupid tantrik

Tantrik:: just you shut up ,you should proud on yourself that you are going to be the part of my experiment which is one day benefits the world and people will take your name with respect

And then tantrik make some geometrical shapes around them by chanting a manta and waits for sometime but nothing seems to happen

Tantrik::what ,not again

shukra says ::it seems your overconfidence is more stronger than your confidence

But suddenly one of the hunters shout and says::oh no you stupid tantrik what have you done I couldn't feel my hand and another says :: I can't feel my one leg ,other says ::oo you destroyed my youth I can't feel my private part

Shukra to tantrik in confused way ::what is this tantrik ?

Tantrik ::but see shukra they are totally fine he have legs and he have hand and that one, oh I can't tell about him ,his private should remain private

Shukra::it seems you experiment work on their mind and stop the sensation of someone legs , someone hands and someone has lost the sensation of some other thing. I didn't know tantrik that your have reach upto that level that you can affect someone private life

Akash to tantrik:;you are more dangerous than you look and also more dumb

Tantrik to akash::oye oye, don't take me lightly my mind doesn't work best when I am hungry. That's why i couldn't used my energy with full efficiency, now what to do ?

Akash approached to the hunters and says:: listen hunters you can be totally fine but first of all you have to bath in Ganga river which is at other side of mountain and one more thing you have punished for hurting deer so if you or any hunters of your group again try to hunt them you will lose your body parts forever ,

Shukra to hunters::yes he is right

Tantrik to himself:: what's this i am the one who cast this spell how he knows it's remedy which is also unknown to me ,is this his one more quality?

One of the hunter says ::but how we will cross that huge mountain? and we also don't know

Where is river Ganga?

Akash::its your problem I can only tell you location

And akash free them all

Tantrik says with surprise::look ,he have legs but he's walking lame

Shukra::yes ,this is tragedy of human mind if it's not in your control than you never be get out of it's illusion

Tantrik to akash::how you know it's solution ?

Akash::i don't know

Tantrik::then why you tell them?

Akash to master :: master, is this man with you?

Shukra::ya you have to tolerate him,oo tantrik listen ,By doing this we have saved the deers from them and they get also punished because Ganga river is very far and to cross mountain itself is very hard

Tantrik ::oo,i already know this but don't forget, it's because of me they survived and also get punished

Akash ::ya but I warn you, never ever show your experiment on me

Tantrik:::ok ok don't be afraid when you need ,I will help you

Aakash:: no i don't want your crazy help

Shukra to akash::before we go on our journey ,i want to know about your parents

Akash::my parents are not alive but my grandfather can tell you about them.

Shukra ::can I meet him?

Akash ::yes he is nearby lets go

And they went to meet the akash grandfather

Akash calling his grandfather and says::oo old man ,see new people come to meet you

Tantrik::you should pay respect to him, old man is not the good way of calling him

Akash::no, i have to call him old man otherwise he forget that he is old and will do some crazy stuff

Suddenly that old man arrived with a long stick and says with proud::now who have come my son? is he wants to test my spirit and power then tell him I am man of power of 1000 elephants, no one can defeat me in chess

Tantrik with confusion::but chess is played by mind it doesn't need power of 1000 elephants

Akash::Yes,but he play chess with real creature like real horse ,real elephants even real lion who is king for him

Tantrik:::o man, What an unrealistic real !

Akash::oo old man they don't come to fight you ,man with White beard is my teacher and I am going to join his journey

Old man::what !what are saying boy? you are going to leave me alone how can I live without you ?you can't go ,i will teach you everything and you are the best , whoever your teacher ,I can't allow you to go

Akash ::but whatever I have to learn from you I have learnt ,he defeated me totally which open my eyes about my limitations ,i can't afford to live under my limitations

Old men::he defeated you ,no he obviously win by cheat , he just want to use your capability for his own purpose ,i will show you by defeating him

Shukra:: it's not needed old and stong man,if you don't want to let him go i won't interfere. Anyway it is his decision, I know you are feeling insecure for him. you care about him

Old men::yes from childhood he is under my protection ,outer world is so cruel ,I don't want him to get involved in dirty world but it seems I couldn't do it

Shukra:: there is nothing like outer world ,we all are the part of this world and everybody should contribute according to their capabilities and one day we have to go from this world then why such insecurity it's duty of human that he explore every dimension of his energy and try to reach at its peak otherwise human life will be waste and it couldn't come by living in your comfort zone,you have to take the risk, one who lives in world without entangled to one's karma or in one's illusion is real yogi because that person doesn't live in his mind which is going to be finish one day but he becomes just life which is only real,others are just your psychological drama