five extraordinary yogis

Tantrik::now you are talking like real master ,you have also caught by your psychological drama haven't you?

Shukra::ya ,but living as a life is not means living with ignorance, but to fully devoted towards your surroundings without any fear and hesitation, what world throws on you is not you choice but what you make out of it is 100 percent your choice , isn't it old man

Old man ::ya you are right, after such lecture I acknowledge your wisdom ,you are better than me for akash , Akash you can go i can live without you

Akash ::no grandfather be strong you are strong man,you can come with us

Old man says with wet eyes:: No ,if I come then who will take care of theses animals ?,you can go and don't call me grandfather I am not that old , but first of all I want to know about your guru (master)

Shukra::i am just a traveller yogi , when I saw that boy potential and his eager for learning then I couldn't resist myself

Tantrik:: And I am his advisor,it is me who insist him to take this boy as his disciple don't i shukra?

But suddenly old man shocked and says ::what, what you say his name is shukra , akash come here ,he is dangerous

And he pulled the akash towards him by force and says:: shukra ,you again come ,how dare you,. Now you want to manipulate my son for your own benefits,i will never let it happen again even I have to die for it

Akash says to his father::what happen Father ,how you know him and why you blaming him?

Old man says ::you don't know akash ,he is the one who is responsible for your parents death, he have just lust of power, i am sure he is searching you and used his power to manipulate you

Akash with rage::what ,then why you stopping me old men ,if he is the one then he couldn't go alive but suddenly shukra laugh and says ::you see tantrik , now you understand why I don't want to make anymore disciple,on first day my disciple make me his enemy

Shukra asked to old man::do you exactly remember that I am the cause of his parents death and even if I were the murderer then why would I came to you and met you and why would tantrik call me with my name ? Akash ,is that your wisdom?

Akash::yes old man he is right ,do you exactly remember his face?

Old man::no i couldn't remember that face but I am sure about this name shukra and his energy is also like that ,

Shukra::please give me paper and pencil,i will draw the photo of that person

And shukra draw a sketch of bhasma and He showed that photo to the old man and says what do you think now?

Old man::,yes ,i remember he is that man ,but how you knows him and why he used your name?

Shukra::he is my brother. In short he always wants to become better than me by any possible means and for that he did many dirty things ,he used my name to make my name disdain in society ,

Old man:: i am sorry sir, you know this is the cause of my old age otherwise I used to be most intelligent person of my time

Tantrik::: sometimes you say you are not old but now you using your age as excuse

Then akash falls at shukra's feet crying and says forgive me guru dev, o master, from today onwards I will never doubt you nor will anyone else stigmatize you.

Shukra by holding Akash with his hand::get up boy your tears has washed your guilt ,get up

akash get up with his head bowed

Shukra:: listen to me , never let you intelligence hijacked by your emotions.if someone is inteligent then this doesn't means whatever he thinks should be right but every thought should be pass through one's inteligence and discretion, so it is very necessary to enlarge the boundary of your mind because you can only think up to that content that you know.yiur thought is just exaggeration of what you know now and no knows everything so before action use your consciousness,it will led you much better path

Akash::yes master ,

Shukra to akash:: remember don't take intelligene as granted ,it is constant process of developing ,if you stop it's development it become rusted ,now old man can you tell the story of that incident

Akash to old man::yes grandpa I want to know the story

old man ::ok i will tell you so listen ,

It was a long time ago , five very accomplished yogis lived in this entire area. All five of them had mastery over any one element of the five different elements of nature.Just as your father had mastery over akash i.e. space element, similarly all four of them had mastery of one of the earth, water, air and fire.

suddenly shukra says ::now I understand the ability of those four childrens , it seem we had met other four children also ,

Old man ::so you already met their children ,then they have also became your disciple

tantrik::no ,they didn't ,anyway now they will become so don't worry continue your story

old man::ok All five of them lived like good friends and did better work for the society. But those five always had a wish to create such an energy which has mastery over all the elements. You already know shukra that it was the wish of many yogis to create a perfect being which have knowledge and mastery over every things in this world and have solution to every problem

shukra::Yes, I know that many powerful people have tried this, there are very few ascetics or yogis in this world who have mastered all the five elements and also have mastered the seven chakras of the body. The first yogi to do this was Adiyogi, he gave the first knowledge of yoga to this world and his first seven disciples spread it in this world, After that many yogis tried to create a perfect teacher like him who would roam around and free the world from darkness but they failed.

old man ::yes Therefore, those five thought that they should create such an energy which remains in one place but has the qualities of all those five elements, in the presence of which any person can meditate and develop all those five had control on one element , then they thought that they would perform such a yagya or ritual together so that their energies could be met in the right and balanced way and through this combination they can manifest a structure which have attributes of all five elements.intially they had thought of using this power on their children but they had just been born, so they did not do so.In this ritual, their wives was also sitting with them, they were also very capable womens due to support of them this big complex project was being done easily. The final stage of the project was going on, they were sitting around a fire with their wives and transformation of their energy has started, but as soon as energy started taking form , suddenly one king, one man like you and a woman arrived

Those people tried to put that energy in their own control .Then all the people around try to stop them but the king's soldiers stop them. The situation had become such that even those yogis were not able to give a complete form to that energy.Because if they had done this, those people could have controlled all that energy and they could have misused it.Those yogis could not even draw that energy back because it had taken a form to a great extent. one of the yogis said ::why are you doing this ,we were creating this energy for good purpose.

then the king said that it is your fault , why are you doing all this without asking permission from me instead of staying in my kingdom. Then the other person with king said that don't worry, we will also use this energy for the restoration of the people, but if everyone learn to use this energy then chaos can be happened and after that who will respect us so this energy should be in control of someone else ,so please leave this energy to us otherwise you all will suffer

one of the yogis says ::never ever we will give this energy to you which we have created with such difficulty even if we have to destroy this energy

shukra says in between to old man ::But if they do this, they would be died because they would have to use all their energy to destroy that huge energy And their women have also been attached to them, their lives will also be in danger.

old man::yes But there was no option other than this and those five start to destroy the energy which they had created with great vigor and said loudly that oo villager only you people know what you have to do, take care of yourself.And suddenly there is an explosion in the energy, due to which all three of them are throw away and those energy is scattered all around and some gets carried away in the air, some gets absorbed inside the river, some get lost in a very high altitude.