energy stones

Akash asked::old man ,what happened to them tell me

old man says with dry eyes :: after that blast everything become vague for sometime many get unconscious,it was such a huge blast that can make whole area destroy but those yogis sustain the boundary of blast upto them so that people around it be safe ,when the dust settled down we reached to them all of them are severely injured they said :: don't waste your time on us ,please go and save our sons they shouldn't be caught and try to assuage their despair,make them better person, please go

suddenly akash asked:: what happened to my mother and others

old man :: they were always with their husbands how can they left them alone on their last journey, we try to persuade them but before this the king arrived with those people,he said::oo you stupid yogis what do you think that if you destroy that energy then we wouldn't get it ,one day all of their parts will in my hand and they went from there for search of these energies

tantrik said:: didn't they look for their children

shukra replied::they couldn't ,they have fear that energy could blown far from them so they are in hurry

old man ::yes,and they also don't know about theirs son because we kept them secret,

akash :: then what about those energy did the gather?

shukra::no,at that time those energy are more vibrant so it already went too far to reach, and it was also in gaseous form because of their high temperature ,now I understand why the king was so obsessed to conquer the area beyond mountains and Rivers

Old man::so what your thought could king found any of them

shukra::he found few of them, when those energy started to settle due to cold temperature of mountain and ocean in water ,it gradually takes solid form like stone and they are in five different colours represent five elements I remember I and bhasma went on journey to found them we crossed mountain and deep drive in ocean ,look them in desert in forest but I individually find only 3 stones which are in yellow ,green and blue in colour which represent fire , earth and water element respectively

old man ::and what about bhasma and king and what do you have did to those stones

shukra::i didn't know about bhasma because I didn't share my information he also did so,and about king he got some access to earth element but we have know one thing it's not necessary that every stone have same power even it's colour is same ,what I observe that it depends upon how smoothly and densely that very stone crystallized and how you used them it's mainly on you that how much power you get from those stone and it's depends upon your capacity and competent,the shape and size ,their reflection a also matter but most of time it depends on its use, because it's main function is to facilitate your energy and potential and boost them

old man ::how you know such things

shukra::its different story but what I saw now that whole world is going for ups and downs because almost every energy took crystal form and expeditions have started by different different countries, now I understand the intention of asura and bhasma but even though many things are in doubt

tantrik::yes it seems stone are recent to world very few know about them and no one have perfect knowledge that how they really work

akash ::old man today I promised you one day i will gather those all stones and make that project complete

shukra::its not easy but it's is important,we have to jump in this war no one knows how it end but I just wanted to make things right

old man ::so this is your path I am glad i met you ,i believe on you make my grandson a full fledged man so that he completed his father mission and punish that king

tantrik::king , don't you know king had died,

old man::what but how?

shukra:: may be its a war of stone ,

tantrik::we should go shukra,we have to get those children also

akash ::ya i am. also excited to meet them

and their journey took new route